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Sustaplex twice a week feedback

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the title speaks for itself i in a spot where i have to sust or bust right now..i dont want to cancel everything.

tell me how you all did on sustaplex 2 a wek. were the gains still solid? was it enough? ive heard on other boards how its better to just inj. once every 10 or so days as it keeps estro low and blood levels more even. im not gonna pretend i understood it, but wanted to know if any of you had heard of similar dosing protocols and the original question of sus 350 twice a wek firsthand experience.

thx dudes.

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Personaly speaking I've done it twice a week and found it to be fine. Alot of people will tell you thats it's best done every other day, but having done it twice a week I found there weren't any spikes or drops and I felt very good.

I'd stay away from once every 10 days as I think your levels will be all over the place.
Years ago back with the old sustanon250, I heard of people using it once every 10 days and that was standard advice, however it was wrong, due to the shorter esters it contains it's best used more frequently to keep your blood levels even.

Try doing .05 EOD.

If your only looking to stick twice a week, why don't you use something with a longer ester like Enenthate?
Good Luck

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I'm 4 Weeks In On The Sust. I Shoot Every M,w,f And It Works Well For Me. I Think You Need To Do At Least That If Not Every Other Day. Twice A Week Dont Cut It

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I'm gonna go against the grain and tell you I think twice a week is fine... Even though less shots means more spikes which can cause more sides... less shots will also = higher spikes resulting in more free test before the body can react and make more SHBG.... as long as you don't get unwanted sides I say go for it... Its what I would do...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


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thx to the two conflicting bros and to Visions - i can always count on you to step outside the box and have your own independant input. Nothing worse than mods who just recite big cat's profiles or the like. i got nice info off only 3 threads. excellent board this is.

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I dont know who the original poster was for this article

Sustanon. Every BBer in the world knows the name. Every “noob” has to try it. But is it a good choice for BBers? Not really. Unless you know what you’re doing and even then you would likely have better and more stable results with less expensive and easier to maintain compounds. Let’s take a look at Sustanon.

Sustanon was originally designed and formulated by Organon as a timed-release compound used for androgen replacement for hypogonadic males, HRT, and all the other uses where androgens are indicated. The difference being that Sustanon (sustained release) was designed to be administered once per month. By combining multiple esters in such a way, starting with shorter chain molecules (propionate) and progressing to longer ones (decanoate), you can design a formula that takes effect almost immediately and releases it’s payload (testosterone) over a length of time.

So let’s look at the esters in Sustanon. Would anyone consider stacking two forms of esterified test in a single cycle? For example, would you combine propionate and enanthate? If so, how would you do it? Would you take 30mg or propionate every other day or twice a week along with 100mg of enanthate at the same time? Of course not! Well not only are you doing that with sust, but with FOUR esters, not just two. Testosterone is testosterone whether your body cleaves it from a short molecule or a long molecule. Many people still think that these different esters of the same organic compound are somehow different or “synergistic”. That’s almost like saying the caffeine in coffee is different than the caffeine in Pepsi. And if you stack coffee and Pepsi you’ll have a more pronounced effect or synergistic effect. There IS a difference but in only one regard and that is that you will get MORE raw test mg/mg with shorter esters than longer ones. The reason for this is simple. The larger the molecule, the more carbons are added which increases the total weight of the molecule. In short, more of the molecule’s weight is taken up by carbon and not testosterone. The additional carbon and occasionally oxygen atoms also increase the compound’s solubility and half-life but that is beyond this article. So what esters are we dealing with in Sustanon?

propionate 30mg (2 days)
phenylpropionate 30mg (4 days)
isocaproate 60mg (9 days)
decanoate 100mg (15 days)

In parenthesis, you see their approximate half lives. It is no coincidence that each ester is roughly twice the quantity of the one before it nor is it coincidental that each half life is approx. double the length of the one before it. Still beyond this article. Moving on…

I decided to experiment with Sustanon after receiving a fairly large quantity. Even though I had plenty, I was still thinking greedily and wanted to get the most out of my testosterone dollar. I started with the twice-a-week approach. A month later, I had no gains, a bad flu, and had used almost 20 amps (1ml) at 250mg/ml. I wanted to know what had gone wrong. It didn’t take long to figure out. During the first week, all that had taken effect was the prop and phenylprop. And 120mg total (out of 500mg) is all that my system saw. That’s about enough to suppress the axis but that’s it. Throw two amps in the trash. The second week, probably not much different and had used 4 amps (1000mg). By the third week I had the flu. Not exactly a surprise with all the HPTA suppression and unstable test levels. Most people have heard of the “sust flu”? Well, there you go. I was beginning to plan a PCT regimen when it dawned on me… I’m not getting enough STABLE, high levels of testosterone! So not long after that I moved everything to the all to common every-other-day (EOD) approach. Don’t get me wrong, I started noticing results but then again, who wouldn’t? This is a shotgun approach! If you had propionate and enanthate would you just keep dosing until something worked? No. You wouldn’t. The idea there is to just keep shooting the stuff and “one of them esters” will eventually work. Personally, I don’t like this approach. I think we can do much better. After all, don’t we owe it to Organon to abuse their product properly? SO… how well did it work? I’d have 3 good days, followed by 3 bad days. I was emotional. I wanted to sleep all the time. I had a runny nose. Two different blood tests during this time proved that I had almost twice the free test in my system as the blood test a week later. By this point, my great buy was turning into a great waste. I took 2 months off, did a fairly aggressive PCT and started planning my next cycle.

Here is where it seemed to all come together. I decided to try taking Sustanon as Organon intended, but in BBer amounts. This meant using it less frequently but using larger doses. Using it as a SUSTained-release product. Again, being greedy like I am, I didn’t want to waste the propionate in the Sust so I scheduled the entire cycle dosage amounts based on what I would take if I was doing a propionate-only cycle. This meant 4 amps or 1000mgs. That gave me a starting dose of 120mg propionate (30mg x 4) and instead of taking the next dose of propionate, I knew I could just relax knowing that as the propionate fell off, the phenylpropionate would begin and as the phenylpropionate fell off, the isocaproate would begin, etc, etc. This worked phenomenal and I began the cycle figuring on every two weeks (one decanoate half life). In reality, I played with this until I found a sweet spot of 8 days (approx. half of a half life). This gave me testosterone levels that remained stable throughout the cycle and at levels that were good for the results I wanted. You may need to adjust this time period to suit your physiology.

Conclusion: If I were to ever use Sustanon in a cycle again, which I doubt since there are less expensive, more stable compounds available, I would use it as intended in BBer amounts. I would do 1000-1500mg once every 8 days. This would allow for it to take immediate effect and with a few additional amps of propionate, you could use it with predictable stability right up until a few days before starting PCT. This dosing regimen, in my opinion, combined with equipoise or nandrolone would be a very productive cycle. Given the choice, I would still stick with enanthate. The injections are usually painless, the stability is high, the half life is fairly long. If you don’t mind EOD injects then prop or phenylprop would also be better choices than Sustanon in my opinion. Especially phenylprop. You would likely have to compound this yourself though as I haven’t seen this ester alone very often except in the case of nandrolone phenylprop (fast-acting deca).

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can i ask how long you have been using aas bro?

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no you may not bro.

Listen, if youre here to blahblahblah..and if this was a first cycle then single ester would better...250,500/wk first time and this and that and i should research more...just save it. This was a great thread until an inane question was asked. One thing i hate about boards is you always have someone trying to preach to you here to discuss the subject matter of the thread...not the whos and hows of what ive done for how long ive done it...sorry to the board for the rant but this shit gets old...not for me personally..but sometimes people need to stop being self appointed anabolic caches and just STICK TO THE FUCKING QUESTION.

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You can't compare Organon sus to Axio sus. First off, i would bet that axio is more potent than organon, and secondly, axio sus has 90mg of cyp per ml,in it also. I have seen my friends do twice weekly inj. of sustaplex and do great on it. And they are far from newbies to aas.

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Posted by: Cerberus
no you may not bro.

Listen, if youre here to blahblahblah..and if this was a first cycle then single ester would better...250,500/wk first time and this and that and i should research more...just save it. This was a great thread until an inane question was asked. One thing i hate about boards is you always have someone trying to preach to you here to discuss the subject matter of the thread...not the whos and hows of what ive done for how long ive done it...sorry to the board for the rant but this shit gets old...not for me personally..but sometimespeople need to stop being self appointed anabolic caches and just STICK TO THE FUCKING QUESTION.



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