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[Sticky] Testosterone.to Reviews

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Testosterone.to Website

Testosterone.to review - long overdue as have ordered a fair bit from them, but only recently running their gear.

I ordered by email and instructions for payment were clear and quickly provided. I also received notification that it was posted.

Pack was received safely within a couple of working days. Discreet packaging and measured put in place to protect all vials.

Kalpa Sustanon 350

Kalpa Tren Ace

Others for future use - NPP, Deca and EQ

Have been on the Sustanon for around six weeks now and am pleased with the results. Pinning 0.2mg each day with 0.8mg Tren Ace ED, which I have been on for around two weeks (transitioned from Gen shi Tren A) The tren is very much on point. I have lost 5lbs (cutting) but my physique is hardening and strength is slowly increasing despite restricted calories. Very impressed with the Kalpa test and Tren and would say they may well be my favourite products from all of my previous cycles (including but not limited to 7Lab, Dragon Pharma, Maha, BodyPharm and Sciroxx).

I tried ordering just as the prices went up following a sale but had problems ordering through the website. Credit to Testosterone.to, he wrote to say I could order at the discounted prices, as I was placing a large order. Overall, just a very professional service and great products. I will put up further reviews once I've run some of the other brands they supply. Kalpa is great gear though - very impressed!

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Admin

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Been ordering from testosterone.to about a year now and it's the only place I trust. Always fast shipping, and they have the perfect gear. Test was able to get me to a level where I competed and I will be getting ready to compete this summer.

I have communicated with them before and they solved my problem right away. Great customer service.

Tracking was up a couple of days after my order was placed , I was able to track my package threw text. Package was very discrete.

  • Axio test e
  • Axio dbol
  • Dragon test e
  • Dragon masteron
  • Dragon Tren ace

So far I am having great pumps and my strength is threw the roof . Looking forward to gain a lean 15 pounds. Running deca 200mg a week Tren 200 a week, Mast 300mgs a week and test 800mgs a week. I am running armidex and femera because of the high doses.

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Overall a very positive experience and I will use them again in the future.

No communication was required.

T/A took approx 10 days, time quoted was 2-3 weeks so I was pleasantly surprised. Packaging was very professional, discreet and packaged very safely to protect the products.

  • 2 x Axio Test Enanth 250
  • 2 x Axio Exeplex (Aromasin)
  • 1 x Axio Letroplex (Femara)
  • 3 x Axio Clomiplex (Clomid)
  • 3 x Axio Nolva (Nolvadex)

The Axio Test E is great quality. I'm in the process of switching from another source's Adex to the Axio Aromasin because I don't feel the Adex is properly combating my estrogen. I've only used Aromasin in the past and never had issues, so I'm guessing I just respond better to Aromasin than I do to Adex. I can report back about the Axio Aromasin after being on it for long enough of a time.

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Testosterone.to has always come through for me when I needed them and always came through in record time.. usually within 10 working days. I've made more than 10 orders without a hitch and I rate Testosterone.to 100 every time

Packaging is always top notch.. these guys are truly pros

  • BD test e 250
  • BD bold 200
  • BD mast 100
  • BD test p 100

Quality is as always outstanding.

just test p and mast p for the first few weeks then I started running all four at once and timed it to run out of the short esters just as the Lomb ones kicked in.

Wow! What a ride. Gained weight snd strength like crazy without gaining an ounce of fat

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I ordered SEVERAL packs of KP Oxandroxyl (Anavar). This was last year and is A overdue review that i forgot to submit. I ordered I believe 6 packs of Anavar. My wife took half of one of the packs. I had great results with the several weeks worth of Anavar that I used. She also had great results. I intend to purchase more KP products including Anavar for my upcoming Spring/summer cycle.

3 weeks T/a which is expected from this source

6 packs of Anavar 50 tabs

I have used Anavar and other products and have about 6-7 cycles under my belt. i felt this was a great product after running it for about 6 weeks.

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Just got my second order last week shipping time and communication was good both times. And the gear I have tried has always been top of the line (test e, deca, adex). SX oxan and prop cycle starting next week. I would never consider ordering from anywhere else.

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Basically has the best selection at the best prices. I have made several orders over the last 3 years and have no reason to try another source.

They have 24/7 customer service, are very quick at answering questions, get back to the customer in a timely fashion and offer any support needed, they are actually there to help you. I simply put in my order, followed instructions, and a few weeks later was pinning my gear. Can not complain on bit.

Basically I get my gear quicker through testosterone.to than some of the domestic sources I have used. Packaged professionally, never had a broken vial arrive. Discrete so the wife doesn't find out and did I mention they were crazy fast?

  • 2x Tbol
  • 3x Test E
  • 2x Winstrol
  • 1x Clomid
  • 1x Exemestane

So I have never had a bad experience with testosterone.to products, I normally only order Kalpa line because of the great results, but have tried other lines and was not disappointed. I as able to put on an easy 22lbs and was able to maintain 18lbs of it after cycle. My strength gains were incredible and as far as product quality there is no better gear than testosterone.to. I will be competing in a show next year and testosterone.to has given me everything I have needed to reach my goals

I am normally do not boast about products to other individuals, but testosterone.to has done me so well for so long I have to give credit where credit is deserved. Undeniable customer service with amazing products = a source for life.

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Excellent service.

Excellent. Tracking # worked the day after it was listed.

Very carefully packed.

  • Sciroxx Test Enan
  • Sciroxx Primo 100mg
  • Sciroxx Var


I will admit that the Primo 100 has a bit of kick to it if you take it by itself. (though not as harsh as the kick the original schering 100 primo had). But if you cut it with another AAS then it will not be anything to worry about.

Had a great experience and would very highly recommend. I have used Sciroxx in the past and love the very thin pain free oil. (Even their test prop is pain free). I have used the Sciroxx Primo 100 in the past and it was pain free as well so was a little surprised. Nothing terrible, just a surprise. I have been cutting it with Test E and there is no extreme soreness. I can shoot my quads and not limp the next day. (very important for me.)

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Another great run with testosterone.to's quality Sciroxx Products. As per usual, all facets from ordering to results were spot on.

I had one bottle break in transit. This is the first of many orders with any problems. I followed the ticketing process. All responses were expeditious and I received a replacement within a week. Very happy with the handling of this sometimes unavoidable mishap.

Same as I'm accustomed to with this supplier. 10 days give or take - ordered placed to received.

We had a small competition between myself and 2 friends to see who could get to the lowest BF% in 8 weeks. Everyone ran 1cc of Ultraplex and 1cc of Test Prop MWF and 50mg Winstrol ED. The protocol was for the full 8 weeks. Of course an appropriate diet a meal prep were used in conjunction with cardio. Participants started at 16%, 15% and 15%. Calipered measurements at the end of the 8 weeks 8.1%, 7.9% and 7.6%. With myself being the winner of course 🙂 Amazingly 2 of the 3 were able to retain 90% of 1RM on all major lifts despite being caloric ally deficient.

This is my go to source. No need to shop elsewhere. The products selection, incentives, quality and specials are hands down the best across the board. If you haven't already, give testosterone.to a try. You won't be disappointed

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What can I say guys? Testosterone.to has always taken care of me. All products I've received from them have been very good and after being burned by inferior sources I don't think I'll switch any time soon. I mainly use their sus 250 pharma grade with hcg to keep my boys hanging low. I've been using their test for months now around 250 mg/1 ml a week. You start feeling it around week 2-3 with increased sex drive and better recovery. Virtually no pip at all which contrasts to many UGL products I've tried in the past. I want to say thanks to testosterone.to because I naturally have very low test and as a male in his 20's this used to effect my life very negatively. Now I can function close to normal and that's well worth the cost to me. Their HCG and aromatase inhibitors work very well too. You can feel yourself drying up within several days on KP Exemestane and it seems to be very reliable lot to lot because I've ordered it several times now and it always works as advertised.

Always on point, I've made mistakes in ordering once or twice and testosterone.to has always fixed it even when I was at fault

discreet and well packed as always.

10 x Sustanon 250

2 x KP Exemestane (Aromasin)

1 x HCG Pregnyl 5000iu

Been using about 12 weeks as self pct, I'm in my 20's and have very low natural test levels.

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Professional, response with in 48 hours


Nothing broken

Axio NPP150



I've been using Axio products for a few years, always good consistency. This cycle started 20 weeks ago with NPP. I ran a low dose alone for 8 weeks for a mini bulk. At the 12 week point I lowered the NPP and added var 10mg a day split. I was planning a 6 week run but it broke my face out so I dropped it. Var does this to me, I just didn't feel like dealing with it. Continued the NPP, 6 week mark added clen. I used the NPP to insure I didn't lose muscle while cutting for a show. And holy crap, it worked. I had never ran clen but was familiar with NPP. Love it. Anyway, I started the 20 week cycle at 25%ish BF and by calipers this morning I am 11%ish. I say ish because that shit's not accurate but I'm consistent in my measuring technique so the % lost is accurate. As for the NPP, I know I gained, that's right gained muscle while in this cut. How do I know this? Well I dropped 30 freaking pounds in 20 weeks but my bicep and calf measurement stayed the same. And all my lifts went up. I am extremely happy. I love NPP that is all.

Did I mention I love NPP? I'm sure I did, I also get no sides from NPP, and as a chick that is Fing spectacular.

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Testosterone.to is awesome!!! Just finished my cycle of Tren 200mg with Test 250mg.. my strength went up in 2 weeks on in.. Product got delivered in 2weeks.. Product is clean and legit.. Wouldn't buy from any other source.. Testosterone.to is the best!!!

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I have ordered from Testosterone.to numerous times and except for the time they were having shipping problem, they were great. I ordered Test Prop, EQ, Proviron, and Winny (along with AE's). My order took about 21 business days(about a month) and it was packed nice and discreet. Everything I ordered came all at once(didn't order to major). I have finished my cycle and the result were great. I was trying to cut so I didn't have a lot of weight gain. Actually my weight went up about 5 pounds but I looked better than I did at a lower weight. I was ripped nicely (that is for someone that usually holds alot of BF). I was impressed and I am about to order again.

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I have ordered from testosterone.to a couple times and always the same fast T/A great supplier and if any issues they are always there to fix them over all great gear and great services will be placing more orders with them in the future

Communication was not a issue ordered and waited my products was received in a timely manner

Very fast and very discreet shipping nothing more to really say

3x BD test prop

3x BD tren ace

2x BD Stan 10

2x BD anastrozole

1x dbol

2x clen

1x clomid

1x nolva

Ran a predesigned cutting cycle with the test,tren,Stan,anastrozole cycle was great no tren cough excellent results but required proper diet and proper working out and not used as a miracle in a bottle Clomid and nolva was purchased for another cycle along with more test and the dbol once I cycle that I will update Clen seems to just melt the fat off again with proper training and dieting started out with 20ed/40ed/60ed/80ed for the first few days to work up to the 80ed to build it up in my system

Order from testosterone.to and they will not let you down

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I'm very pleased with my last order. Everything performed as expected. I got over 400 for the first time ever on my bench. Testosterone.to as always comes through with high quality products. I have never had an issue with them, everything they sell is legit and top quality.I am very happy with everything ordered and the process as a whole.

I've ordered several times from Testosterone.to and always had good support and very few issues. They shipped out the product and it arrived pretty quickly. There customer service team is excellent and always ready to answer any questions you may have.

Packaging is always safe, secure, and discrete with Testosterone.to. Ive never had a cracked vial or anything like that, they are experts in the packing department.

deca 250mg

sust 270mg

test cyp 250mg

test prop 100mg

modafinil 200mg

soma 500mg

I immediately started making explosive gains in mass and strength,1cc jintani-test prop eod,.5 cc qd-deca,

.5 cc qd-sust, .5 cc qd-test cyp in 1 pin ,2x a week. Libido was insane, pumps were awesome, put on a lot of mass. I have veins and strength I didn't no I had.I gained 15 lbs and feel hard as a rock.Insomnia, night sweats, you name it,somas helped alot @night ,and mods during day @ work.Perfect!!! I'm 6'6 ,265 pounds,was 250.

I'm very pleased with the products described in use.Next order all BD stuff, I heard Axiolabs product line is excellent.

Absolutely my go to source, Excellent prices, no minimum order, fast delivery, quality products. This is the number one supplier in my opinion.Testosterone.to is good as gold,he's solid no bs,remember be patient,positive mind set,see the meds in your hand,send good vibes & energy to Testosterone.to and team.

your thoughts create your reality

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