suspension wont inj...
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suspension wont inject???????

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hey...i just picked up some Testosterone Suspension, when i tried to inject wouldnt inject!! i pushed like a motherfu***r and the damn stuff wouldnt budge! (with a 20 g pin) so i switched to a 23 g pin and had the same problem!!!!! when i withdrew the pin, the stuff came out easily.....WHATS UP

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Im assuming its test Suspension in water right? The smaller the number of the gauge the bigger the opening for the particles to travel out 20 g is a bigger hole then 23 g..... With water based test, u have to shake up the bottle really well before u draw it into the syringe, and not let it sit...if u let it sit there is a chance that a bunch of particles will glob up together and plug the syringe... A few things u can do. Use a 19-20 g pin. Shake up the bottle, and syringe. Do not wait to inject after drawing. Draw a small amount of oil into the syringe to "lubricate" the needle. U can also try heating it up, ive heard this suggested, but Im not sure why it would help, with a water based steroid, it works nice to make oil based more viscous...

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I've had probs before with test susp. I had to use an 18g harpoon a few times....LOL Shake it, heat it, dilute it in B12...those are your best bets. It is a kick ass gear so dont give up yet. For future reference oil based non-ester test wont cause clogging probs like the water based one.

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Don't heat it, but use a larger diameter pin like the others suggest.

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Topic starter assuming a 20 g pin is big enough.....ill try shaking the vial a little more and maybe ill add a little oil based cyp to lube the pin.....thanx

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okay just tried injecting again....without oil....and it wouldnt inject (20 g 1.5 inch pin) so i withdrew it about half an inch and tried went threw fine?????? what gives....i guess 1.5 is too deep?

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Hold the syringe in in a fairly tight grip for 5min to warm it up a bit.. or sit on it for like 5min.. try than.. might not work cause its water based, and i guess it would only for if it was oil based.. but try it, maybe it does, if not than rule it out..

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Originally posted by burymebig okay just tried injecting again....without oil....and it wouldnt inject (20 g 1.5 inch pin) so i withdrew it about half an inch and tried went threw fine?????? what gives....i guess 1.5 is too deep? do u often inject there, could be scar tissue.. when i inject too many times in one spot.. i hit a wall like that too.. and sometiems i see nasty looking blood from the scar enter the syringe before i even pull on it, just as i go thru the muscle it picks it up and it goes into it i guess.. than like u, if i lift it up a bit, above the scar tissue, i can usually discharge the contents, and call it a day i guess lol

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yeah . i inject there often... a couple times a week (thigh)...but i have no probs with oil based stuff

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its the test susp crystalizing in your pin and clogging it up. Get your site ready before you draw the test in the pin, so you can inject it faster...the lnger the pin sits full the worse it will clog. Its pretty common with water base test susp.

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I had the same problem tonight, 1cc Syd Susp/2cc Ultra 100 and it wouldn't move, then I adjusted it and a little went in, thats it. So i'm going to try the 18g or 20g and see how that works. Water and oil don't mix at all.

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I have used a 22ga. 1 1/2 needle, then injected and if it doesn't go I slowly start to withdraw the needle as I apply pressure and usually it will go in. once it starts to go hammer it home!!

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shake and shoot with a 21 gauge

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I tried something different. I drew up 1/2cc of EQ then 1cc Susp, then another 1/2cc of Eq to lube up the needle and shot it quick and it worked. I ran the vial of Susp under hot water, and I think that hlped also. Just don't let it sit long in the needle just like someone else said. T

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i usually mix the waterbased suspension with my oil gears. you may need to re-plan your shooting schedual so that you are shooting everything everyday shake the piss out of it while its in the syringe with the plunger pulled back so you can shake it. you may need to get 5 cc syringes if need be!
