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on-site injections

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I am planning on doing a cycle of winny because of the cutting effects ( diet and cardio are included of course ) I have this gut that has been there since I was a kid. I used to be border line obese and now I'm down to a four pack, and this roll that can't seem to go away and is very loose because it is where most of the old stretch marks are. I was wondering if you guys think an on-site injection right into my gut/roll would be a smart thing to do. Would it help with the fat loss? With skin tightening? Or would it just make make lower abs grow like crazy and give me an even bigger looking lower ab/ fat gut section?

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of winny? no. mabye yohimbe. but dont inject winstrol into your abdomen. you dont inject steriods into fat. no flame intended, but it sounds like you need to do a little more research into your problem and possible solutions.

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winstrol doesnt really burn fat, it just allows lean mass gains with hardly any water retention which speeds up your basal metabolism and leads to your body burning more fat on a daily basis. Yohimbine would work if you convert it to a sterile WATERBASED solution to use for spot injects into the fat. Animal also has Acetyl L-Carnitine injectable that i just started using for spot injects in the love handles...and i believe its working, although i could possibly have the same effects if i shoot it IM.

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AAS by their nature do not burn fat. Tren included (for those that will be shouting Tren does). Spot reduction for fat is a myth. You may burn off some localized water retention using topicals, wraps, etc. and get the illusion of spot reduction but that is all. It will be back with a vengence. Diet and Cardio remain the key unless of course you have access to HGH. I have never used it but all of the research I have done points to reduced bodyfat in the area(s) of injection contrary to what I mentioned above.

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Agreed gear will NOT burn any fat. It should not be shot subq either. ONLY IM. Pgf2 might help for local fat loss, I've used transdermal but never the injectable. QFS Transdermal was quite good. I also agree spot injections do nothing to promote local growth. They cause local swelling but that is all...... One expetion may be test suspension, but even then growth is minimal. There are those that swear they get local growth. I am not calling them liars but I just dont think the majority of users will see local growth from spot injections. I know for a fact tht I never did. The muslce does swell up for a day or so and it does look bigger, but that quickly disappears. I would seriously recommend more research before plunging into the steroid world, it is not something to take lightly.

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to be completely accurate, steroids do burn fat in a way (but not locally at the inj. site). Testosterone as well as other highly androgenic steroids will increase lipolysis by their androgenic component, and this is more evident with steroids such as tren or halotestin or just plain ol' DHT that are highly androgenic but minimally estrogenic. for spot reduction of bodyfat check out this injectable Tiratricol....rumors are that injected Sub-Q it actually causes the death of fat cells.

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Steroids do not burn fat, they can alter the body fat percentage ratio. Totally different. More muscle plus same level of Bf = smaller total BF percentage. But no fat was burned.

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sorry to disagree but fina burns fat.. I'll try to locate the studies to back this up.. One of then is in CME and Basskiller wrote an article regarding this too.. Most importantly is personal experiance.. I stayed at almost the same weight give or take 5 lbs and drop 2" on waist last round with fina..

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I have heard that fina burns fat. I really didn't notice it myself but I know lots of guys that say it does. Guys that know what they are talking about, so i'm inclined to believe them. However winny, test, etc will not burn fat, that is a fact.

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testosterone itself and all other high androgens increase lipolysis...that is a fact. estrogen and estrogenic activity however stops lipolysis. take 1,000mg of test prop. or suspension per week and enough arimidex or femara to stop all estrogen conversion and without changing your diet or workout routine, i guarantee that in 4-6 weeks you'll see a noticeable decrease in bodyfat....even with the skinfold caliper. testosterone just is not as thermogenic as a CNS stimulant like ephedrine because it does not mobilize fat in the same way that adrenaline does....its more like l-carnitine or cytomel in the way that it mobilizes fat without being much of a stimulant. now of course, without exercise and drinking enough water, the fat just goes back where it came from after its been released and never gets metabolized.
