1st time stanoplex-...
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1st time stanoplex-(Tabs)

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So i've decided to add stanoplex tabs at the end of my cycle, it will be my first time using stanoplex, ( but i have 3 cycle under my belt) and was wondering a good starting point as far as mg's go? Should it be used on my non-lift days also-(Sat, & Sun.) At 50 mg a day, would 6 weeks be too long?

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yo bro...ist your stan dosage depends on your body weight and the length of the cycle depends on what meds/dosage you were taking during your begining cycle.

50 mg ed worked fine for me and i took it on non training days to keep blood serum levels str8...i'm 5'10", 260lbs

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Take 50mg/day EVERYDAY, for absolutley no more than 6 weeks.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.

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I'm assuming what you are reffering to is the axio labs version of Winnie. Yeah, no more that 6 weeks, 50 mg ED should be fine. Watch for joint pain and stiffness . . .I don't use winnie anymore for that reason.

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I would also concur with taking the oral for only 6 weeks at 50mg ED, any more than that and you may really begin to suffer from the joint pain.

One thing to note also, oral winny has been shown to lower SHBG. As we all know SHBG is a glycoprotein produced in the liver, which binds to Testosterone and makes it biologically unavailable to do all the things men want it to do, like building muscle. SO if you want to lower you SHBG than it would be in your best interest to run oral winny.

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Posted by: gustavo77
Take 50mg/day EVERYDAY, for absolutley no more than 6 weeks.

What would be post therepy for this cycle???Visions /anyone else,,also how long would you wait to cycle again after this cycle?

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Check out the PCT forum and you'll find all the info you need to run a proper PCT. You'll also find med journals to help educate you as to why certain supplments are chosen.


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50 mg a day for 6 weeks and your liver will be screaming for mercy.
