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Test Levels

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I was going to give you an answer until you posted that, I do appreciate the fact that you waited a whole 16 minutes before you told us off though. My answer now is that you should only use 16ga needles or larger to inject with. When you do this, just think of me. Don't forget to clean the mice out before use.:der:

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If this business of getting a script for test is still an issue for anyone.. I am told that if you go online to "Palm Beach Rejuvenation Clinic" a doc will interview you online, require you to fax some signed documents, and then give a script.. Not sure about prices, but I suspect a lot heftier than the underground versions.

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I Went And Had My Test Levels Checked.score Was 318 Doc Said That Was Normal.i'm 35 And Live In A Small Town,so I'm Noy Shure If My Doc Is Up On The The Test Buddy Lives In A City And His Doc Hooked Him Levels Were Lower Than Is 318 Low Enuff To Be Considered For The Therapy. I went in post cycle one time and my levels where down around 100..the doctor freaked out and gave me an instant prescription for cyp. Then when i wnet back a few months later my levels where up around 1000.....he he he

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I have been on HRT for years fact I was just cleared to give my own shots thank God... 300 is normal in the books but it is LOWWWWWWWWWWW Get another doctor..and keep looking until you find one who treats you. FOX

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If this business of getting a script for test is still an issue for anyone.. I am told that if you go online to "Palm Beach Rejuvenation Clinic" a doc will interview you online, require you to fax some signed documents, and then give a script.. Not sure about prices, but I suspect a lot heftier than the underground versions. my boss uses these guys and its not quite that easy. still got go get all kinds of blood work and prove that you do indeed need it. they may make it a little easier to get and get what you want but its still a lengthy process.

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I am not having any luck finding a doc that will treat me. I went to an endocrinologist last week and my total test level was 310 and free Testosterone was 6.2. My FSH and LH levels were low as well, but she did not feel comfortable with giving me anything at this point. This is the third doc I have seen. I don't know what to do next, unless I do it on my own. It would be nice if insurance would pay for it though.

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Keep looking Hank...I've told you before it doesnt come easy. Keep your chin up and keep pluggin away at it... FOX

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i have went on my own for now.will try again later to get anothr doc to hook me up.will probably go in to birmingham to a doc and get away from my small town,them country docs don't want to give any.

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