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permanent estrogen reduction?

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I was reading through chemical muscle enhancement when I came across the section on Teslac. It says, and I quote, "Teslac is unique in that it is reputed to cause permanent irreversible suppression of estrogen production in males." Does anyone have the faintest clue on how this could be possible? Meaning if I take one pill/injection, my estrogen levels could be reduced for life? I'm not following this one...

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that sounds like it would be a good thing.

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don't be foolish in thinking that you're body doesn't need any estrogen at all. while you want you're levels low, you don't want them too low as it will cause problems for you. you'll still need anti-e's while on cycle anyhow

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Originally posted by mac83 don't be foolish in thinking that you're body doesn't need any estrogen at all. while you want you're levels low, you don't want them too low as it will cause problems for you. you'll still need anti-e's while on cycle anyhow Mac is right, estrogen is essential to your body's endocrine system functioning properly.

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Yes... but theoretically if you could lower your levels enough then you wouldn't have to worry about taking anti-e's, it would be like you were on them permamently

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I do not Belive it... THink about it, as people of a fitness lifestyle we more than anyone else, KNow that the Bodys Hormonal sysytems Main goal in life is to make equilibrium. IF you take something that lowers the estrogen level, I am sure that you will be burning glands in the midnoight hours trying to get it back up to snuff. Our bodies try to hard to reach harmony to let somehting stay out of wack.... IF it was not that way, we would never grow muscle...

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I don't really understand how either... check this out TESLAC Competitive anti-aromatase inhibitors, such as Teslac, possibly bind to the same binding site on the aromatase enzyme that Testosterone does. Therefore, less testosterone binds to aromatase and that means less testosterone is coverted to estradiol (estrogen). Teslac will avoid an estrogen surplus, particularly if HCG is prescribed. HCG, used to re-start the body's own testosterone production, also increases estrogen levels. HCG without Teslac can increase the body's catabolic state post-steroids because HCG increases testosterone levels. Teslac is an effective anti-estrogen and almost completely prevents the introduction of pure estrogens in the blood that could bond with estrogen receptors. Teslac also increases the level of "free" testosterone level in the blood. Although testosterone levels rise three or four times above normal, Teslac's anti-estrogen properties prevent estrogen damage to the body. Studies have shown that Teslac use makes steroid users resistant to steroid aromatization over a prolonged period. Thus water retention and gynocomastia is avoided.

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The body needs estrogen, just not in high amounts.

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I never heard of anyone going catabolic on hcg. Quite the contrary, the gains and strength improve during hcg usually.

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HCG without Teslac can increase the body's catabolic state post-steroids because HCG increases testosterone levels. Your right, it doesn't make sense. Increased test leading to catabolism? I don't think that's right...

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a) I dont believe it B) It would be the death of you. YOU NEED ESTROGEN to maintain healthy arteries and heart etc etc, not to mention BUILD MUSCLE. Sure when on cycle estro gets a little high thats why you can use anti-Es while on cycle - BUT when off cycle your levels are normal so if you remove the "normal" estrogen then you are asking for trouble - and the trouble DOES set in quickly. There is a lot of info on this so Im not going to describe everything estro does. c) Things that are irreversable are dangerous. its not safe to do something you cant change unless it is KNOWN to be safe FOR YOU (as opposed to normal people) - and by that I meen 20plus years of clinical trials. If its real dont go for it. I think most guys will agree.

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Just read one of the posts their and it says its not irreversable - it would revert I expect after a wile - not sure though. Anyway the principles I state above still hold true.

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I only read the first post when I submitted my first reply by the way.
