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if sus has prop in it why am I reading people only taking 250 500 mg's a week...would that come out to me 1 to 2 shots a week...w/ a fast acting ester like prop wouldn't yuor test levels fluctuate too much only taking it once or twice???? I was thinking of trying sus but going every 2 or thrre days at the most.....can some help clear this up thanks

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im taking Fina Prop right now there both mixed in but there 50mg each per shot instead of the 100mg there supposed to be, so u just ahve to take it more often like ED instead of EOD .... didn't really understand what you where asking but thought i would put this just incase.

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Taken from sustanon 250 is a unique blend of 4 different esters of testosterone. The principle purpose of attaching an ester to a steroid is to make it more lipophillic, so that when injected intra-muscularly it can remain in the adipose tissue longer and is released in the blood-stream over time. The longer an ester, the more lipophillic it is. Sustanon 250 contain 1 short, 1 long and 2 medium length esters that are all delivered over time, which gives a quick release, but a durable one as well. You may think that this is a positive thing, and to patients requiring Testosterone therapy this probably is, but to a steroid user its really not. A steroid user will use a long-acting testosterone and inject it once a week. The end of a week is usually the time when a long-acting (7 or 8 carbon) ester has tapered down to its original level and threatens to drop below that level, giving sub-par amounts of testosterone beyond that point (eventhough the compound stays somewhat active for 3-4 weeks). With sustanon, that equal amount is divided much differently. Imagine a hypothetical situation where one take either 270 mg of a an ester that lasts 6 days, or 270 mg of a blend of different esters, 90 mg each, that release over respectively 2, 4 and 6 days, analog to sustanon. With the first one, an even amount of testosterone is released on each day. With the second one the entire first ester, half the second ester and 1/3rd of the last ester is released within the first two days. The result here is clear : the first two days one gets 165 mg, the next two one gets 75 mg and the last 2 days one gets a mere 30 mg. The levels peak much sooner, and drop off sooner, leaving you with less than adequate androgen levels as the week draws to a close. The reason for the mixture, it would give a more stable level of T over a longer period of time. RB

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Originally posted by three6t if sus has prop in it why am I reading people only taking 250 500 mg's a week...would that come out to me 1 to 2 shots a week...w/ a fast acting ester like prop wouldn't yuor test levels fluctuate too much only taking it once or twice???? I was thinking of trying sus but going every 2 or thrre days at the most.....can some help clear this up thanks If u are ONLY running sus 250, then yes, u are right, for the first 2-3 weeks u should be running it eod. I wish I could find that blood levels chart I was looking for that showed exactly how much test u have in you at any particular stage. Some ppl only shoot sus for 3-5 weeks actually, ED or EOD shots, or some sort of variation, because the build up of the longer esters has the cycle running 8-10 weeks total...Data does this. Now with sus 250 I would recommned that u stack it with another drug for the first 3 weeks, idealy it would be another, shot acting test like suspension or prop, taking ED shots..or EOD. However u could use something else like fina or Dbol or a-bombs. I find too many "newer" users seem to all want to take Sus 250. Its not really a great bbing drug, it is a great HRT drug....but u really have to know what u are doing to follow all the differnet ester peaks and actual blood test u have to rememebr that the longer the ester, the less actual test there is. U also have to run a short acting test or other anabolic, fina, winny...for the last 3 weeks, sus 250 self tapers...and there is no reason to taper...u just increase your chances of losing more gains, IMO.

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bump Valkyl.. here's your chart..

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Originally posted by ironman_845 bump Valkyl.. here's your chart.. Thanks bro, thats the stuff.

Feli Fly
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Regardless of what ester or blend of esters you use, the more frequent your shots are, the more constant your levels will be. As was mentioned, sustanon, by design, is self tapering. It's 4 esters are different lengths for good reason. When the prop is done, the phenylprop kicks in, when that starts to dwindle, the isocaproate is in effect, and finally the undeconate. For that reason, it's been hypothesized that you could do a cycle by just using a lot and letting it go to work by injecting an amp each day for 3 weeks and then just letting it taper off.

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Yes I think Sust should be used 3 times a week or EOD. For that reason if you plan on using less than 750mg a week of test you should try and get another type of testosterone

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I found the best way to take sustanon and keep your test levels constant is to inject every other day.
