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The magic bullet for muscle sparing fat burning has arrived

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And it is called oleoyl-estrone. The literature is full of recent studies done on rats but this one was done on an obese man. The results were remarkable, no dietary restrictions were placed on the subject and there were no changes of hormone levels or metabolites, NO increase in estrogen, just weight loss. Unfortunately it has not yet had fda approval although the us licensee Manhattan Pharmaceuticals is starting clinical trials. I am guessing that this one will be a huge success.



Med Clin (Barc). 2003 Oct 18;121(13):496-9. Related Articles, Links

[Weight loss in a patient with morbid obesity under treatment with oleoyl-estrone]

[Article in Spanish]

Alemany M, Fernandez-Lopez JA, Petrobelli A, Granada M, Foz M, Remesar X.

Centre Especial de Recerca en Nutricio i Ciencia dels Aliments. Facultat de Biologia. Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona. Spain. [email protected]

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Oleoyl-estrone administration in rats results in loss of body fat and sparing protein via decreasing food intake and maintaining energy expenditure. Oleoyl-estrone also decreases insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia and has no direct estrogenic effects. Our objective was to determine whether oral oleoyl-estrone was effective in the treatment of morbid obesity in a voluntary patient. PATIENT AND METHOD: Oleoyl-estrone (150-300 mol/d) was given to a morbid obese man (BMI: 51.9) over 10 consecutive 21-day trial periods of oral drug intake followed by at least two months of recovery. This treatment was given without additional dietary restrictions. Plasma metabolites, hormones and enzymes were measured before treatment, during active administration and at recovery periods. RESULTS: Oleoyl-estrone decreased the body weight (38.5 kg in 27 months, final BMI: 40.5). No rebound trends were observed. No significant changes in blood parameters, plasma metabolites, hormones or enzymes were observed as a consequence of the treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Oleoyl-estrone decreased body weight in this subject without affecting metabolites or hormones, similarly to its effects in animal models. This means that oleoyl-estrone could have a marked potential as an anti-obesity drug.

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Put me down for a crate

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i think we will be hearing alot about it in the near future since obesity is reaching epidemic proportions in the usa and i will bet that the fda fast tracks this one.


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I think US reached epidemic about 10 years ago. Now we are on our way to self inflicted genocide.

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Posted by: needsize
I think US reached epidemic about 10 years ago. Now we are on our way to self inflicted genocide.

I think I know what you mean by that am I right?

Anyway, the key looks like it is once again, controlling the insulin response. This is why diets that have made that their focal point (South beach, Atkins, SUPER CUTTER, CKD), have all been so successful. This looks like it is automatic.

Hmmm.... I may have to make some calls!

Black Baccara
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Re: The magic bullet for muscle sparing fat burning has arrived

Posted by: jboldman
no dietary restrictions were placed on the subject


[Weight loss in a patient with morbid obesity under treatment with oleoyl-estrone]
via decreasing food intake

Very interesting but maybe not magic ...

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Sounds very promising.

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Re: Re: The magic bullet for muscle sparing fat burning has arrived

Posted by: Black Baccara
Very interesting but maybe not magic ...

"This treatment was given without additional dietary restrictions."

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Re: Re: Re: The magic bullet for muscle sparing fat burning has arrived

Posted by: JGUNS
"This treatment was given without additional dietary restrictions."

Sounds magic to me!!!

Black Baccara
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Re: Re: Re: The magic bullet for muscle sparing fat burning has arrived

Posted by: JGUNS
"This treatment was given without additional dietary restrictions."

Yes I have understood ... but to decrease food intake to loose fat is a nutrition elementary knowledge, so nothing is "magic". But it sounds to be a VERY interesting stuff ... sorry, but it's sometimes a little difficult for me to express my thoughts because my poor english ...

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Re: Re: Re: The magic bullet for muscle sparing fat burning has arrived

Posted by: JGUNS
"This treatment was given without additional dietary restrictions."

Yes this means they might not have imposed any restrictions, but people simply chose to eat less because of effects of O-E supplementation, which is great for those who cant control their eating habits, but perhaps not so magic for us bbers who are masters of voluntary calorie control. I suppose it might help with cravings??

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Re: Re: Re: Re: The magic bullet for muscle sparing fat burning has arrived What it means is that it is a sample size of one without any caloric guideles or followups. So while it MAY be true that this person simply stopped eating as much (unlikely in my experience) it is as likely that the addition of the OE actually was the cause of the weight loss. as i mentioned, there are many studies done with rats that were controlled experiments that had similar results. This one was of particular interest since it was done on a human. there were studies done on caloric restricted diets that showed weight loss beyond what the controls experienced with just diet alone. Have no doubt that as we speak there are clinical trials going on and someone believes in this drug enough to spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring it to market. Now it is just a question of time.

Oh, and as an aside, my experience is that there are many bbrs (myself included) that struggle continuosly with weight control with varying degrees of success.


Posted by: intermittant
Yes this means they might not have imposed any restrictions, but people simply chose to eat less because of effects of O-E supplementation, which is great for those who cant control their eating habits, but perhaps not so magic for us bbers who are masters of voluntary calorie control. I suppose it might help with cravings??

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Re: Re: Re: Re: The magic bullet for muscle sparing fat burning has arrived I think you do an exellent job of expressing yourself. Much better than i did when i visited your site! <GRIN>

The point that i am trying to make wrt the OE is that the diet has no effect on the weight experienced with the OE, if you diet and take oe, you lose more weight.


Posted by: Black Baccara
Yes I have understood ... but to decrease food intake to loose fat is a nutrition elementary knowledge, so nothing is "magic". But it sounds to be a VERY interesting stuff ... sorry, but it's sometimes a little difficult for me to express my thoughts because my poor english ...

Black Baccara
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The magic bullet for muscle sparing fat burning has arrived

Posted by: jboldman
I think you do an exellent job of expressing yourself. Much better than i did when i visited your site! <GRIN>

Thanks ! It's because i'm a student in nutrition sciences and I'm afraid this "magic pil"l will steal my job !

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Don't forget Bro's, AOD9064 may be out by next year as well. It is the fragmented rHGH molecule. Just the branch of the chain that induces weight loss.
