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T3 help

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I know there has been alot of threads on t3 and usage, I was looking for something more secific. I have 100 25mcg tabs and wanted to know how I should do them with a max of 75mcg and for how long. 29 yrs old 295lbs 25 % bf approx. I was 330 and droped down to 295 natural and seem to be stuck there.

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There's no way you should be stuck at 295, start varying your diet and cardio. T3 will shed some lbs, but you'll lose as much muscle as fat. It's not worth it at 25%bf. It's good for getting from 6% to 4% bf, but otherwise it's pointless IMO.

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YES ! You are too fat :cow: Change your lifestyle your diet slowly. Do more sport daily, try to drop off sugars and flours from your menu etc... T3 is good to drop some small % of bodyfat. If you are hurry to loose fat and force your body you will stop at a moment and fat will come back twice more. You should loose fat on long term and I think you should do a good diet combined with sport. At 25% fat your tyroid could be already low so you can fuck up tottaly

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anyway if you want help with T3 try that thread
