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can anyone help with the dose of t-3 how long to stay on, and can i take without gear thanks

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Hey bro, has a lot of info on this just click on Links

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Never used it, its not for me. But if I did I would run it with gear for sure --never alone.

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I had my girlfriend on T-3 and clen and she had kickass results she was taking 2 T-3 and upto 4 clen a day. She would cycle this two weks on two weeks off and during the two weeks off would use yohimbe. with excellant results.

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Formula for Cycling and Dosing t3 Post #1 One subject that keeps coming up that many people have difficulty is with properly dosing and tapering T3. Now while THERE IS NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER for the persistent rumor that improper t3 use will shut down your thyroid forever, it is also not something to take lightly and like all AAS, should be respected. Ive come up with a formula based on the research Ive done, and both theory as well as practical experience point that it should work well for your fat burning goals as well as give you a proper taper so that the thyroid is able to recover its normal function as quickly as possible. The key to this is having a long enough taper coming off of it. Since origionally designing this formula some will note that I have taken 5% off of the ramp period and placed it toward the back taper insted - this is because I have become convinced that in the presences of exogeneous supplementation, the thyroid shuts down fairly quickly and so the better to spend that time on the taper down. NOTE 1: If you have never used T3 before, it is suggested that you lessen your constant time and increase your ramp up period to determin your reaction to t3 before heavy use. NOTE 2: Synthroid (t4) may also be used to good effect with this formula but of course the maximums are diffferent - the ratio of t4:t3 is about 4:1 or 4.5:1 so 100mcg of t3=about 400-450mcg of t4 ________________________________________ CYCLEONS T3 CYCLE FORMULA Its pretty simple really – 5/40/55 is a time-based formula whereby X% of the time of the entire cycle should be spent in one of 3 periods – up/constant/down: RULE – 1 5% of the time is spent ramping up to your maximum 40% of the time is at your maximum 55% of the time is spent ramping down to cessation (nothing) RULE – 2 Each up/down period is further broken down into equal segments for each dosing level with the emphasis being the dosing level toward the end of the period. RULE – 3 I dont ever recommend taking more than 125mcg per day and 100mcg will do for most. Above this amount is quite catabolic without hefty concurrent doses of AAS. There are those who advocate higher doses and it is feasible to do so but IMO the effectiveness gains above 100-125mcg are not really worth it. ________________________________________ Example 1 An example for a 20-day cycle with a max of 100mcg ED using 25mcg pills. Calculate the number of days of each period first (Notice that where the up/down period is unable to be broken into 3 exactly equal parts, the extra is put on the dose level at the last part of the period. (.5) means 1/2 a pill or 12.5mcg UP CONST DOWN 4 days 6days 10days 5% 40% 55% 2 44444444 33222111.5.5.5 ______________________________ Example 2 An example for a 60-day cycle with a max of 125mcg ED using 25mcg pills. Notice that where the up/down period is unable to be broken into 3 exactly equal parts, the extra is put on the dose level at the last part of the period. UP CONST DOWN 12 days 18days 30days 5% 40% 55% 234 555555555555555555555555 44444433333322222221111111.

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thank, willy10

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i would not use it without running gear with it, and then i would be cautious. i dont care what anyone says, it has a rebound effect once you get off. and while you are on it if you dont have anything running to help preserve your muscle you will burn as much muscle as fat, and end up looking like a smaller version of what you had before, and then after the rebound you will be fucked for sure. lets start over bro. what are your stats and goals? lets see if we can get something going for you.

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There's definately a rebound after a T3 cycle, thats why I always use a ECA stack after my T3 cycle until things return to normal which for me is about 2 weeks.

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I just end some t3 and switched to an eca to hopefully move around the rebound effect. I do know someone who is taking some t3 now, 100mcg a day and nothing else. He doesn't want to hear about taking something else to help preserve muscle. He has dropped 8lbs since the 1st of Oct. He doesn't lift and plays soccer a few times a week. He thinks after another 20lbs he will be able to build a base from that :uhoh:

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Ok, here is my scenario. I'm 25 years old, with no prior AAS experience. I'm getting ready to start a cutting diet, and I was considering using liquid T3. I was thinking 50mcgs everyday for six weeks. No ramping. Protein will be between 300-350grams. For the record, I'm 260lbs @~14%. I don't lose muscle very easily either. Opinions? Suggestions?

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T3-----------works when ur anabolic........i use abt 50-60mcg a day Varun
