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How much weaker does T3 make you

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I started t3 about 4 days ago and today during chest I was as weak as you could ever be I couldn't even get 40 lbs of the weight I did last week granted I have cut my calories as well but am I supposed to get THAT Weak? also should I change to way I work out when I cut?

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these 4 factors will contribute to us knowing if t3 is the culprit: 1. How much are you taking? 2. Are you on AAS? 3. How much do you weigh? 4. How much of a calorie deficit are you running?

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I never get weaker on it. timba

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100 mcg a day 400 mg cyp 230 and around 750 callorie defict from AMR

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Originally posted by TheAngelHeavyArms 100 mcg a day 400 mg cyp 230 and around 750 callorie defict from AMR at 100mcg i never noticed that much of a weakening. it is more than likely your calorie defecit. You will still lose weight if you bump that up to only a 400-500 defecit. Time your consumption of carbs and protein around your workouts to provide you with the max energy possible. Is that a normal test dose for you? What is your usual cycle amount? I would run the same amount as you bulk with, but that is just my preference.

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I am currentlt using 152mcg im 253 6'1" and 30 years old. I sometimes don't feel as though i can do anything at all. The battle when cutting for me is to stay going to the gym. Good luck.

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400 is a little on the low side I usually use 500-750 grams of test stacked with another compound I was going to use the test to keep the T3 from eating the muscle then follow with test tren in about 6 weeks

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couple of things.. guess you didn't taper up.. also guess you're trying to dry out? diuretics seem to make me weaker.. and like the other guys said if you're dieting down that could be the problem.. t3 @ 62.5mcg certainly didn't effect my strength..
