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Clen usage

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I konw there are like million post on this topic but i was told by a few people that compete that the most people preach the 2week on 2week off and use Eca onthe off weeks. But they told me the only thing is the most people don't know about is that ephedrine and clen bind to the same receptors, which means that by switching the two doesn't help you from down regulating the receptors sites. So they suggested a 3day on and a 2-3day off use of clen... wanted anyones opinions on this or if they have used it this way... thanks for the replys. And if this is somewhere on the site already i apology i didnt see it anywhere

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I ran the old style 2day on 2 off years ago, but now I run it 2 weeks on 2 off alternated with ECA. For me 2 weeks on/2off works much better. I can run several of these 2weeks cycles without noticing any drop in clen effectivness. When I ran 2 day on/2off the clen lost its kick very fast.

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Clen has a half life of 1.5 days so it is still gonna be in your receptors for the whole 2 or 3 day off time IMO so it never really clears the receptors this way. I have and am now using the 2 weeks on/off alternating with ECA and I find it to be effective. I also read from some other posts here that the effedrine hits the receptors in a different way or different receptors all together but I cant remember exactly how it was worded, I just know that it was writen in such a way that I decided to use the eca in my 2 week off cycle.

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thanks for the replies guys....... i think 2weeks on 2weeks off allows you to use it alot longer im sure you can use clen that way forever if you wanted lol..... but just wanted some feedback to see if anyones does it any other way

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I'm running it 2 days on/2 days off right now and I like it betterI'm on week 6 and its still working. timba

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so how does that work when you run it like that timba? do you taper up for your frist 2days and then after that take 2days off and just start where you left up and keep tapering til you find your max?? and on every other 2day cycle just stay at that high of a dosage? and do you find it more effective then the usually 2weeks on 2weeks off cycle

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ugh if i dont taper up my dosage i can't tolerate it. for someone to be taking it 2 on 2 off i would imagine it just stays at a high dose. i dont think i could handle 100 mcg 2 on 2 off i would be too shaky and just plain out of it.

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yea i hear what your saying... but i think you would taper up until you hit your max and then you know thats what you can handle... so it might take you 2 - 2day cycles to get to your max or maybe even 3 but then you know whats your max. I wonder how low in carbs you should for it to work becuase ive been told it has some effects of keeping muscle while burning fat.

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princenas, were you told that it was better to keep carbs low or high. Any other bros got any info on this as well. Now i'm courious, i'm cutting with t3 but soon as i've tappered off will be using clen.

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of course keep the carbs low....... but how low is low enough ,now what im saying...... ive been told by some of the experts on the boards to just cut out carbs all together like starchy ones and only take in carbs post workout and the rest of the meals just stick with fiberous carbs like lettuce and veggies... thats more to the extremem i think but im sure it works. But your muscle will feel flat which ive been told. But im sure you can take in more carbs then that its all a individual thing

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Originally posted by princenas so how does that work when you run it like that timba? do you taper up for your frist 2days and then after that take 2days off and just start where you left up and keep tapering til you find your max?? and on every other 2day cycle just stay at that high of a dosage? and do you find it more effective then the usually 2weeks on 2weeks off cycle what I did was a week at 125mg a day then switched to 125mg 2 on 2 off. timba

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good idea timba.... makes sense that way. How is your diet on clen and how are your resluts coming along so far

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Originally posted by timba what I did was a week at 125mg a day then switched to 125mg 2 on 2 off. timba mean 125mcg. 🙂

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Originally posted by princenas good idea timba.... makes sense that way. How is your diet on clen and how are your resluts coming along so far I started cutting with prop and clen,but somehow I ended up bulking(I just love to eat)but its keeping the fat down so I'm happy with it.I'm up 40lbs since jan:D timba

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How would you guys use it post cycle? Just finished up a bulker and I have heard that clen is good to use?? Thanks for the help

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