clen and aldactone
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clen and aldactone

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Is it okay to continue running clen when you begin to take your directics for a show? I guess I just wanted to know if you can take the clen up and through the show while using aldactone to drop water? Thanks. BR

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bumping it up

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I would drop the clen on the day you start carbing up.

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Originally posted by DIGGS I would drop the clen on the day you start carbing up. I've heard that also, what's the reason for that? How does the clen interfere with the carb up? R

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Clen is a Beta 2 agonist. There is a long complicated answer as to why this affects a carb up. Just know that it does affect the carb up, and stop it at least 36 hours before your carb up.

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Originally posted by Troponin Clen is a Beta 2 agonist. There is a long complicated answer as to why this affects a carb up. Just know that it does affect the carb up, and stop it at least 36 hours before your carb up. Thanks for the insight bro. I'll be sure to cut it out. R

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good luck. Let us know how it went.

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Also you cramp big time. Clen makes me cramp big time when iam drinking lots of water so i could just imagine what it would do with dropping water. I would drop the clen besides 1 week from your show you should be ripped and not still need clen.

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Really you should be ready 2 weeks out IMO. I think you need time to get off of the clen, etc., and see how your body responds. You want to give yourself time to get over any water retention that may come from the clen stopage.

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Originally posted by Troponin Really you should be ready 2 weeks out IMO. I think you need time to get off of the clen, etc., and see how your body responds. You want to give yourself time to get over any water retention that may come from the clen stopage. This is probably better advice if you plan to stop the clen usage at all. Now, I don't want to laugh but the guy earlier in the thread took your advice about stopping clen without any explanation at all - he simply accepted it. lol Now, I am NOT questioning your knowlege at all BUT for my own curiosity, I would like to hear the theory behind how a beta 2 agonist makes carb loading difficult. Thanks bro. Skip [email protected]

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Beta agonist stimulate adregenic(beta) receptor and mediates several short term response (fight or flight response) but the one response which answer your question would be the conversion of glycogen to glucose for release into the blood. Which is the opposite of what u're trying to achieve in a carb-up. cheers 🙂

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But would this be substantial enough to really have any obvious negative affect on carb loading? Just curious what your opinion is. Skip [email protected]

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To be honest i have no idea if it exerts any obvious effect or how much it affects the carb-up. In a natural state, this flight or fight response is initiated by the secretion of adrenalin by the adrenal gland to increase blood glucose for physical exertion but it is only for a short duration as the adrenalin/nor-adrenalin or better known as epinehrine is degraded very quickly in the body. But clen on the other hand stays active for much longer then that(half life of 36hrs?) stimulating the same receptor so i would think its effect on carbup will be noticeable by theory anyway. But imho if the theory points to this conclusion, why would u even wanna try it knowing it affects the carb-up even if to a small extent?! cheers 🙂

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Because pulling something from your prep is stressful enough on the body during the final days to elicit a negative response - especially in the case of clen if the dosage is high. I usually recommend that the dosage be cut for the final week before a show but have never cut it out either for myself or for my clients and have noticed no negative affect during any loading phase whether it be a traditional load, a shitload or a combination of both. I just wondered what your opinion was. I appreciate your feedback. Skip [email protected]

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Woah. I was called out and missed it. I need to check this forum more often. Skip- To be honest, I don't have any scientific studies backing up my theory about Beta agonists slowing glycogen storage in the week before a bodybuilding contest. I doubt anyone has ever performed that study. I'm just using my background knowledge of anatomy and physiology from school. Which hasn't always served me well, especially in nutrition. This has actually caused me to stop in my plan for a master's in nutrition, as I couldn't stand to learn things I knew to be false any longer. Luto basically explained my reasoning. When the Beta receptors are activated the body is essentially in a state of glycogen usage, not storage. The fact that clen increases the burning of calories by the body is the reason it's used in the first place. But, you make a very valid point of not disrupting the body in the week leading up to the contest. Like usual, there's more than one way to skin a cat.

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