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Anybody else get zero effect from Cytomel?

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I have taken 100mcg a day for several weeks and have gotten no results. I know for a fact that my shit was real and on top of that it has happend every time I've tried using it. Anybody else have these less than good results.

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i did some experimenting with it. did normal diet, normal cycle, normal cardio. did nothing for me either. also i combined it with my clen and made the headaches worse. maybe it doesnt work for everyone, or maybe we need to boatload it? twat

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I have seen results with t3 as low as 25mcg a day for six weeks. that was the firtst time. the second time i used it at a tab and a half a day and lost 15lbs. I am now starting my HGH and i am down 6 pounds in over a week with tall cardio when i add my t3 at week4 i hope to kickstart this shit of the wall later grady.

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i always lose weight even while i don't diet or do cardio.that is why i like it,i can eat what i like and not get fatter. 🙂
