ALbuterol for fat l...
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ALbuterol for fat loss

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I know I'm boring, but I want to help a frined of mine...

I read several posts explaing why albuteol causes strenght and muscle gains.

I don't konw anything about fat loss.
I can speculate Albuterol cause fat loss...
I would like to konw your personal experiences.
do u think it is effective for fat loss or not?

Albuterol VS ECA VS clen for fat loss?
who's the winner?


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Depends on you. Albuterol is better than clenbuterol. It has fewer sides, easier to manage in that it only lasts for about 4 hours at a dose but will react similarly to clen on your physiology. ECA works wonderful for som and is just too much for others. Use the one that is easiest for you to tolerate and add crazy cardio if you want to get full fat burning effect.

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ok for cardio...
but, just considering fat loss, do u think Albuterol is effective?


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It is not going to reduce your fat levels magically no. What it does is speeds up you heart rate and your metabolism. You will have increased energy. Together with exercise it will help you to burn fat more quickly, but it is no way a magic fat loss pill.

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Posted by: needsize
It is not going to reduce your fat levels magically no. What it does is speeds up you heart rate and your metabolism. You will have increased energy. Together with exercise it will help you to burn fat more quickly, but it is no way a magic fat loss pill.

Good answer bro. Diet is still the key.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Posted by: liftsiron
Diet is still the key.

I agree, diet, resistance and cardiovascular training is the way to go.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Posted by: duchaine
but, just considering fat loss, do u think Albuterol is effective?

Yes, it is.
Probably less effective than clen, but it has MUCH fewer sides too.

Knowledge is Power

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Posted by: Syr
Yes, it is.
Probably less effective than clen, but it has MUCH fewer sides too.

ok! thanks!!!
this is the kind of answer I was lookinf for!

