yohimbine only befo...
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yohimbine only before cardio?

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I've been on a gradual diet over the past 3-4 months and am now (hopefully) a month from getting my bodyfat into the single digits. I've been on ephedrine/caff for the past 2-3 weeks, but I'm trying to plan ahead as to what I will be doing after I've been on EC for 6 weeks. Albuterol is one idea in my back pocket, but I'm also looking into yohimbine as another possible method. None the less, my real question concerns the idea of only taking yohimbine pre-AM cardio on an empty stomach, which is not an everyday occurance. Does yohimbine need to be built up in your system or can it work effectively taken 3-4x a week at one dose a day? I'm lookin at you jb on this one as I've seen you throw out some encouraging posts.

PS. i have dabbled with yohimbine in the past and have a full understanding of starting slow on the doses, but i handle stimulants really well, which is strange for a guy with anxiety problems.

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I don't have any scientific evidence on it, just my own experiences. I've never had any problems with it on an empty stomach. Actually, I usually felt less energy with yohimbine only as compared to EC. It did seem to work as well for me as the EC in terms of fat loss. The problem was the energy kick that I got from the EC wasn't there with the yohimbine only, which makes it tougher to get through the early morning cardio sessions on an empty stomach. As far as the need to have it built up in your system to be effective, you'll have to wait for jb to chime in. Like I said, I only have my own experiences to go by. Obviously everyone is different and maybe if there is a study out there it would be helpful.

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ok, the best way to use yohimbineHCL for fat lass (not a stimulant) is on an EMPTY stomach prior to exercise with a cup of strong coffee. work up to a dose of 20 mg, DO NOT START at 20g. THe longer you refrain from eating after exercise the long er the fat burning will continue.


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thanks jb, do u consider it something that can be taken for a short period of time and have it still be effective. (say 4 weeks), or is it something that needs to build up over time? i only ask this because i remember years back when i would read posts about the stuff people would take it for 8-12 weeks and notice results once they stopped any bloating that may have taken place is gone

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it is effective the first time you take it. yo uaer going to want to guage your tolerance for the YHCL so over time as you finally decide what dose you can tolerate, say 20mg, the effectiveness is dose dependent. So, say, after a few doses you should know what you can tolerate and be good to go. this is an effective fat burner that is often overlooked. even when it is included in "fat pills" they often forget to tell you that yhcl has no effect (fat burning) after eating. here is the study.



Pre-exercise administration of yohimbine may enhance the efficacy of exercise training as a fat loss strategy by boosting lipolysis.

McCarty MF.

Pantox Laboratories, California 92109, USA.

The natural alpha-2 antagonist yohimbine promotes sympathetic activity by central as well as peripheral mechanisms, and yet in moderate doses dose not usually raise heart rate, increase blood pressure, or induce anxiety (in contrast to sympathomimetic drugs such as ephedrine). Administered prior to exercise, it boosts lipolysis and serum FFA levels both during and following exercise; blockade of adipocyte alpha-2 adrenoreceptors makes at least a modest contribution to this pro-lipolytic activity. These considerations suggest that pre-exercise administration of yohimbine will lower the respiratory quotient during and following exercise, thus promoting fat loss. Since yohimbine can potentiate postprandial insulin secretion, its bariatric benefits should be greatest if administered on a schedule that minimizes postprandial yohimbine activity. A possible synergism of yohimbine and caffeine should be explored. Pre-exercise yohimbine administration has the potential to down-regulate the lipoprotein lipase activity of visceral adipocytes, increase lipolysis in refractory gynoid fat depots, and improve the impaired lipolytic response to exercise in the elderly.

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good info. guess thats why i never felt a kick from it. there was no kick to feel.

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thanks for the info, i think im gonna just use it with my am cardio sessions, we'll see how it goes
