Adding it as a regular supplement (L-Glutamine), but I am unsure as to when I should consume it....any suggestions?
post workout 15-20g ... before bed 20-25g on an empty stomach.
also one with lysophosphatidyl choline, which will help with the uptake to the GI tract....i also like putting a tablespoon under my tongue post work out for quick absorption into the bloodstream
First thing in the morning, w/ lunch, post workout, before bed. Always w/ juice.
You really dont need it if you have a decent protein powder.
Originally posted by BigWill You really dont need it if you have a decent protein powder. according to yates protein and glutamine compete with eachother and if taken at the same time, like with a protein shake, protein will always bully out the glutamine and it wont be absorbed... that is y the yates protein has peptide bonded glutamine, its supposed to be absorbed even if taken with protein... ive also heard that none peptide bonded glutamine is rendered inactive when sitting on the shelf... either way, unless ur using yates protein i dont think a protein shake will satisfy ur glutamine needs... if u gonna supplement with it, i recommend taking it in the absence of protein
On the contrary, studies have shown that when free form glutamine is added to protein it increased protein synthesis. That is why some protein powders advertise "added glutamine."
Glutamine didn't do jack for me. Tried many different brands and used upwards of 50g/day for months with no added benefit or even noticeable effect. WASTE OF $$$. I don't even eat protein shakes anymore. I just eat a shitload of meat, chicken, & fish.
Originally posted by BigWill On the contrary, studies have shown that when free form glutamine is added to protein it increased protein synthesis. That is why some protein powders advertise "added glutamine." im not saying protein synthesis isnt increased im simply saying that the glutamine isnt absorbed or absorbed very poorly when in the presence of protein
Originally posted by TheSpectre Glutamine didn't do jack for me. Tried many different brands and used upwards of 50g/day for months with no added benefit or even noticeable effect. WASTE OF $$$. I don't even eat protein shakes anymore. I just eat a shitload of meat, chicken, & fish. Its the muscle damage/recovery that it's worth my friend. If you knew anything about it you would not look in the mirror for results from glutamine. Also helps from catabolization.
Lots of people disagree about glutamine.. Maybe it works for people who don't eat enough protein?????
Originally posted by 66LIFTER99 post workout 15-20g That's what I do, mixed in with my protein shake.
Originally posted by oynnoj Its the muscle damage/recovery that it's worth my friend. If you knew anything about it you would not look in the mirror for results from glutamine. Also helps from catabolization. Well than why did 50 grams per day do NOTHING? Muscle recovery my ass. The only people who need glutamine are vegetarians and those who just don't eat enough REAL protein. My gains after glutamine have been EXACTLY the same pace. The stuff is total crap and there is nothing anyone can say to me to make me think other wise. OTC = GARBAGE
u don't know crap, glutamine is a "suppliment" exactly what is sounds like. First of all its the most abundant amino acid found in ur muscle tissue cells, 2. it does influence protein synthesis and glycogen storage and it enhances your immune system. it is a known fact that after stress, like ur workout, glutamine is depleted. hence, supplimenting with glutamine may be helpful.