What's your creatin...
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What's your creatinine level?

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I went to the docs the other day and creatinine level was 1.5. The normal range in their lab is 0.6-1.2. My doctor suggested I do the creatinine clearance test (24 hour piss test), so I'm gonna do that tomorrow. I know the more muscle mass you have might make your creatinine levels higher. Just curious to see other numbers from the members of this board.

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I had mine tested and the doc said their must of been some sort of mistake, it was like 10 times above normal,, but I was taking 20 Grams of creatine a day at the time

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i cant believe theres a stupid creatinine level test... End of civilization is near.. I wanna take a TUNA fish level test, can we do that?

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Mine was also 1.5, so I was retested 6 weeks later and it was still 1.5. I have not really used any serious gear so I think you are correct it more accurately reflects total muscle mass. In fact, I did a serious PubMed search on the topic. The more muscle mass you carry, the higher your creatinine

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Also, Creatine breaks down to give creatinine, but, the medical literature suggests that this does not significantly contribute to high creatinine readings. They did studies in rats with like 5X a normal doseage of creatine, and it did not change serum creatinine. I also had my retest value of 1.5 when I was off creatine, but my first test of 1.5 was with creatine supplementation (so no difference for me with or without 5 grams creatine each day)
