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What suppliments do you take daily

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I was loading my weekly pill dispensor last night and ,thought to myself ''I wounder what the guys/gals at Kalpa take ,to improve their health'' daily. Or in a perfect world what most people should take.

The ones I take are what Id consider a must have but Id be very interested in what other take and why. Oh yea ,In Feb 07 I broke my leg ,heal of my foot and knee cap in a head on car collision so Ive added some things I wasnt taking before. Im 40 years old also.

Now the goal here is I show you mine and you guys show me yours. Im curious if there's something Ive overlooked with regards to suppliments and this is a good way for others and myself to learn something.

So here goes:
1) Caltrate 600 + D and Minerals 2 x a day (hope it heals the leg)
2) Melatonin 3mg (before bed ) ''for sleep aid''
3) Nature Made Super B-Complex
4) Ecotrin ''asprin'' coated 325mg
5) DHEA 25mg twice per day ''total 50mg ''
6) Ester-C 1000MG 2 X per day
7) Cetrum Multi Vitamin
8) Fish oil 1500 mg daily ''realy helps joint pain alot''
9) Zinc 25mg daily ''in the morning only'' zinc keeps you awake
10) Twinlabs Amino Fuel 1 x per day

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You're taking too much aspirin if you take 325 mg per day. Most are taking a baby aspirin (81 mg) a day.

CoEnzyme Q10, ALA are in my daily routine also. There are several old posts on supplementation. Do a search and you should be able to find them.

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Vit. C @ 1 gram.
Vit. E @ 400 IU.
Centrum - 1 tab.
NAC @ 400 mg.
whey protein - 60 grams a day.
BCAA - 6 caps a day.
Fish Oil - 1 gram.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Well ,normally Id agree with you . I took 81mg of asprin before my accident. But since there's a high risk of blood clots (especially in my family, my brother died of one due to a car wreck at 24 years old) I was told by my doctor to take 325mg twice per day until Im more active or when Im healed more. Ive seen most if not al the older posts though , thanks!

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piracetam 600mgs x4
selegiline 2mgs
melatonin 1mg
fish oils 1000mgs x6
lecithin 5000mgs
hydergine 2.5 x2
vit C +bioflavinoids 1000mgs x4
saw palmetto conc ex 330mgs
grape seed conc ex 330mgs
green tea conc ex 30mgs
whey protein 60grs
green tea

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looks like somebody is into nootropics.


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It's very necessary jb That's a list of things I take everyday but there are cycles/experiments of various other suppliments/compounds.

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There's a new word for me! Ive never heard of Nootropics, I'll have to research that one.

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the only thing that i would change there is substitute in some micellar casein with the whey and add some nac. also silymarin would not hurt.


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Advice taken and acted upon, just added them to the mix. Gotta love that liver.
