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Vinegar Aids Post Exercise Glycogen Repletion

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There is a trail up a pretty steep hill by my house. Believe it or not, twice a week I have been sprinting up the hill, trying to get a little further each time. It really sucks. I did not realize I was in such poor sprinting shape. I've been biking so have decent cardiovascular conditioning, but hill sprints are a different thing altogether I guess.

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i like the explanation on carbs and fat there nandi... vinegar... who would have thought.

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To quote Oscar Wilde, "They say we destroy the things we love, but really the things we love destroy us."

It's strange, how laughter looks like crying, with no sound and rain drops taste like tears, without the pain.

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Posted by: Nandi12
There is a trail up a pretty steep hill by my house. Believe it or not, twice a week I have been sprinting up the hill, trying to get a little further each time. It really sucks. I did not realize I was in such poor sprinting shape. I've been biking so have decent cardiovascular conditioning, but hill sprints are a different thing altogether I guess.

45 secs balls out, three minutes rest. x10.

You'll be so tired you'll halucinate.

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45 secs balls out, three minutes rest. x10.

Thanks. At least now I have a plan. I was just trying to get to where I could run up to the top of the fucking hill, but the top never seemed to get any closer before I collapsed.

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Excellent find, Nandi, as usual!

Let me make sure I've got this right. Vinegar acts as sort of a nutrient partitioner like slin? Or ala?

Will just any old vinegar do?

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Yes, kbrkbr. By blocking glycolysis (the burning of carbs for fuel) in skeletal muscle, it forces more of those carbs to be stored as glycogen for later use. At the same time, since fewer carbs are being burned for energy, fat must be burned instead.

I had some plain white vinegar and cider vinegar in the cupboard, and to me the cider vinegar tased a lot better.

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Thanks, bro. You're the best.

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Nandi, do you suppose that other short chain molecular acids (for instance citric acid) might have the same effect and taste less noxious?

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Hey fb, welcome to the board. Citric acid does have the same effect, but I could not find this paper at the U to figure out dosages and how it compares to vinegar in efficacy.

You need to suck it up and take your vinegar like a man. Hell, my wife drinks it now.

Scand J Med Sci Sports 2001 Feb;11(1):33-7

Effect of acetate on glycogen replenishment in liver and skeletal muscles after exhaustive swimming in rats.

Nakao C, Yamada E, Fukaya M, Tayama K, Tsukamoto Y, Sato Y.

Department of Sports Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University, Japan.

Immediately after exhaustive swimming, rats were given one of the following orally: distilled water (W), glucose (G); acetic acid (A); citric acid (C); glucose and acetic acid (GA); and glucose and citric acid (GC), and they were killed 2 h after ingestion (each trial: n=4). Exhaustive exercise resulted in a significant reduction of the glycogen store in the gastrocnemius muscle. The glycogen stores in the liver were significantly higher following ingestion in groups GA and GC, in the gastrocnemius in groups G, GA and GC, and in the soleus in group GC, than immediately post exercise. These results suggest that oral acetic acid with glucose can facilitate liver glycogen restoration during the early period of recovery, and that acetate has about the same physiological effects as citrate on glycogen replenishment.

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Could you write out the specifics (how/when) you use vinegar.

I'm not feeling shit, and it really tastes awful and burns the shit out of my stomach.

I think I'm doing something wrong...I might be drinking too much of it.

Do you use it just post workout and at breakfast?

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I'm just filling a shot glass half full and downing it right before every meal or post workout carb/amino replacement. fb47, whom I actually know personally and is not a fag, can't stand it either.

Maybe I just have a cast iron stomach from all the Evan Williams. Maybe you should get some food in your stomach first. It is pretty acidic, and I don't see the need to take it before food. I seriously have leaned up and lost almost 5 lbs with my every meal protocol. Maybe it is just a coincidence; I don't know. I have a hard time keeping weight on in general.

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Hi Hillbilly. I've never seen any. I know winemakers use citric acid powder, but I've never seen it in tablet form, nor acetic acid.

If you eat salads with dinner, a simple oil and vinegar dressing might be more palatable than straight vinegar. Or Balsamic vinegar. That stuff is good on salads, but I don't have any lying around the house to try drinking straight.

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Posted by: Nandi12
Hi Hillbilly. I've never seen any. I know winemakers use citric acid powder, but I've never seen it in tablet form, nor acetic acid.

I've seen the tablets in Walgreens... Diet section... However, I just drink it like a man...

I like Vinegar anyways (I use it on my salads from time to time with lemon)...

So... Go ahead... give it a try hillbillie...

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Nandi, after you first posted this idea, I started looking around and found dozens of sites promoting the "apple cider vinegar diet," many of which were also promoting the tablets. I noticed, however, that many of the these tabs contained as little as 15 mg of the actice ingredient, while others had as much as 500. The sites not trying to sell anything suggested downing a tablespoon 15 minutes before every meal.

Does this mean we're finally catching up to the looney fad diet folks?

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If citric acid works as well as vinegar it might give some credence to the old argument that creatine citrate is more effective than creatine monohydrate.

The very best bodybuilders are neither the hardest, nor the smartest trainers. They are the ones who can take the most weird drugs and live.

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