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testosterone level post SARMs

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Right, here goes:

I ran low dose S4 for about 4 weeks, good power gains on 5-10mg BD. stopped for a few days over xmas, felt like total shit. Thought it was over reaching from a massive training week & some gastro enteritis. Felt better getting back on the same S4 dose. I stopped it for good 2 weeks later, then had bloods done 4 days afterwards (S4 has a short 1/2 life, so thought 4 days would be a good time point).

T came back at 63 ng. Fits with how i feel right now. my nuts have dissapeared, i'm moody, irritable & sleep is all over the place. I've started HCG/ ATD/ nolva.

With such a short 1/2 life i think sarms shuts you down like andriol would- it felt pretty good being on it, but shit when you stop. I'd recommend anyone else to do a proper PCT before ending the cycle, unlike what I've had to do!

i might have to change my name to "bananawoman" with such a rubbish Test. level

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dang... i thought they claimed SARM was all the bang without the side effects... thanks for the info..did you only get strength gains? did you lean any on it? did you get muscle size? thanks BM

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Ouch, 63?

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Anthony Roberts ( love him or hate him ) said that SARM's would shut you down like any anabolic, well over a year ago, maybe two. I think the guys perpetuating the myth that it didn't shut you down were trying to make a quick buck.

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Well, bad news I guess!!! Do you know what test level you started at before SARMS bananaman? I think you wrote earlier in another thread that it was around 300 ng but I am not sure..

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whit 10mg every day?

perhaps it is better to use hard days only

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Posted by: Sparrow
Well, bad news I guess!!! Do you know what test level you started at before SARMS bananaman? I think you wrote earlier in another thread that it was around 300 ng but I am not sure..

test was 220 pre- my natty T is low, usually 200-400. The pre sarms test was after about a week of PCT following a 4 week low dose test cycle with 1,4AD.

I dropped about 1% BF based on my vein calculator, also dropped about 2kg though i was being careful with what I eat. I'm fairly lean most of the season so didn;t expect too much to change with the SARMs.

Didn't do any formal strength testing, although I got stronger doing low cadence hill work. This may not have been due to SARMs, as it was a new workout for me anyway, so improvements would be expected.

Despite the severe lack of test in my system I still managed 2x20 today at 96% & 91% without feeling too beaten up

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Posted by: Bananaman
test was 220 pre- my natty T is low, usually 200-400. The pre sarms test was after about a week of PCT following a 4 week low dose test cycle with 1,4AD.

Is it possible you never fully recovered from the 4 week test cycle? I would think you would need more than a week of PCT to recover. But 4 weeks is pretty short to shut you down as well.

I ran Sarms for 2 months and didnt notice any nut shrinkage and no loss of libido either. i didnt feel it shut me down but I only ran 10mg/day with the occasional 20mg day. I was pleased with it.

Dr. Chrisler is giving a talk on Sermorelin at the A4M National convention in December so he isnt giving out a bunch of Information before then.

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Posted by: kataking
Is it possible you never fully recovered from the 4 week test cycle? I would think you would need more than a week of PCT to recover. But 4 weeks is pretty short to shut you down as well.

I ran Sarms for 2 months and didnt notice any nut shrinkage and no loss of libido either. i didnt feel it shut me down but I only ran 10mg/day with the occasional 20mg day. I was pleased with it.

when was banana's 4 week t cycle? banana how long did you wait before running the s4? did you do bloodwork before taking? im a bit confused... and quite sad to hear it had such negative effects on you, i was really hoping the 10mg a day was going to just right

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I had a couple of weeks PCT after the 4 week T cycle, & tested T before SARMS- the level was reasonably close to my (shit) natty T level.

PCT was 350 HCG E3d from the last week of test (100mg/week), then ATD &nolva ED

Seabiscuit Hogg
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Well, since you do endurance training, we don't know for sure if the low test was due to the s4 or not.

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my natty test is between 200-400, after good PCT following 4 weeks of test it was low 200's, after about 6 weeks total SARM's & no PCT it was 67! think I'm techically female with a level that low.

Funny thing is I can maintain power output, but reco. is nowhere near as good. & motivation is low

Seabiscuit Hogg
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Are you going to run some serms or some exo test?

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SBH :)

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hitting the PCT hard: on HCG, tamoxifen & ATD, VitD3, Maca & pregnenolone/DHEA. Didn't get the Test. level result for about a week after stopping the SARM's, so 1 week delay starting PCT. not ideal but hopefully will be ok

Seabiscuit Hogg
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Yeah, well we did't think that pct was needed. You should be alright doing it late. I might as well do a cycle if I have to do pct anyway. Goog luck and let us know how it goes.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)
