Prescription Anxiet...
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Prescription Anxiety Relief?

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My dr. wont prescribe me Xanax, says its too addictive is there any online website that offers online consultations and legit scripts, either xanax or ativan would be ok? I do not want to obtain this illegally so please nobody PM me trying to sell or give me an illegal source..

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Get a new doctor....unless u have an HMO..than your fucked.

Raphael Argus
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Yes, try to speak to another doctor if possible. I always hear the opposite about doctors around my area, seems they toss depression/anxiety meds at anyone that frowns. I like Xanax though, it's the only anxiety med you can reall take as needed, right?

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i would more recommed Klonopin as a start but you must quickly phase it out cept for emergencys for another more stable anxiety med like welbutrin eflexor Tofranil.....good luck bud the relief IS there. btw its much easier geting ambien almost anywhere on line-you can just split the pill as small as possible till the effects are much like valium wo knocking out. Xanax is going to be tough. the really monitor that stuff. If your refill is early they most often refuse but may waiver the co pay and quit likely call your doc.

Killer Quads81
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Xanax is the way to go for anxiety. Find a different doc, or a source that stocks misc. stuff like that.(I dont know of any)

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Originally posted by Killer Quads81 Xanax is the way to go for anxiety. Find a different doc, or a source that stocks misc. stuff like that.(I dont know of any) I want it legally, I also have high blood pressure, isnt ativan good for that too? my fucking dr. is a prick..

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Addiction and abuse is when an individual takes a drug for reasons other than the medication's intended purpose. If you take the PRESCRIBED DOSE of Xanax, as directed, and it relieves your anxiety this is NOT addiction. If you cannot function due to anxiety, respectfully demand this drug from your physician. The ONLY reasons your physician should deny you this medication is due to potential health issues you already have or potential reactions with the drug. Denying you this medication due to potential 'drug additions fears' he/she may have is unethical and against the Physician's Code of Ethics. If your physician give you any negative comments, then remind him/her of their Code of Conduct for Medical Treament and maybe even toss around the words 'lawsuit' or 'malpractice'. NEVER THREATEN your physician, however, let him or her know that you have done the proper research on the drug.

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I would look for a new will most likely have to be a shrink as most general practitioners are very leary about prescribing benzo's or pain killers.also a doc. may want you to try one of the many new profitable drugs for anxiety that don't work before he will give you any benzo's but this just depends on the doc. i guess. like one of the other posters said try klonopin-generic...clonazepam...i've been on it 4 years now and it has worked great for anxiety and panic disorder,now in fact i am in the process of tapering off this drug. Good luck and keep looking until you find a doc. who can help.Anxiety disorders can be a real pain in the arse but thanks to...."BETTER LIVING THROUGH CHEMISTRY".... most problems can be helped..........LATER
