omega 3 and perform...
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omega 3 and performance

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i do not particularly care for animal studies but...

Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2010 Dec;20(6):475-86.

Effects of dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated Fatty acids on the skeletal-muscle blood-flow response to exercise in rats.
Stebbins CL, Hammel LE, Marshal BJ, Spangenberg EE, Musch TI.

Dept. of Internal Medicine, Div. of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA.

The polyunsaturated fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) affect vascular relaxation and involve factors (e.g., nitric oxide) that contribute to exercise-induced increases in skeletal-muscle blood flow (Q). The authors investigated whether DHA and EPA supplementation augments skeletal-muscle Q and vascular conductance (VC) and attenuates renal and splanchnic Q and VC in exercising rats. Rats were fed a diet of 5% lipids by weight, of which 20% was DHA and 30% EPA (PUFA group, n = 9), or 5% safflower oil (SO group, n = 8) for 6 wk. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure (MAP), and hind-limb, renal, and splanchnic Q were measured at rest and during moderate treadmill running. MAP, HR, and renal and splanchnic Q and VC were similar between the 2 groups at rest and during exercise. In the PUFA group, Q (158 ± 27 vs. 128 ± 28 ml × min-1 × 100 g-1) and VC (1.16 ± 0.21 vs. 0.92 ± 0.23 ml × min-1 × 100 g-1 × mm Hg-1) were greater in the exercising hind-limb muscle. Q and VC were also higher in 8 of 28 and 11 of 28 muscles and muscle parts, respectively. These increases were positively correlated to the percent sum of Types I and IIa fibers. Results suggest that DHA+EPA (a) enhances Q and VC in active skeletal muscle (especially Type I and IIa fibers) and that the increase in Q is due to an increase in cardiac output secondary to increases in VC and (b) has no apparent influence on vasoconstriction in renal and splanchnic tissue.

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there was an important study on fish oils /ALA in the New England Journal a couple of weeks back, I think it said they were no good at preventing heart problems IF YOU HAVE ALREADY HAD A HEART ATTACK, but the intro quotes multiple studies that show fish oils etc. are good at preventing heart disease. I guess the mechanism from this animal study might provide some insight to the effects fish oils etc. have in man.

JB i also used to rue the limitations of animal studies, until that recent post by either yourself/Seahog/Lifts (cant remember who) on those pigs that went nuts on carnosine. now thats what i call science.... so long as those pigs are still somewhere in the black forest
