Nitrix while cuttin...
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Nitrix while cutting

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Hey just curious on some thoughts about taking BSN's Nitrix while cutting. I am on a cutting diet-high protein low carb, a cycle designed around that goal, and my supplements are Lipo 6, Animal Flex Animal Stack, and Millenium ZMK and MVP..also protein as needed. I am thinking about throwing some Nitrix into the mix because I like the pump when I lift but am not sure if it will defeat the overall goal and dumping bf.

Any thoughts or experiences would be great! FI

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Re: Nitrix while cutting

Posted by: funniirishman
Hey just curious on some thoughts about taking BSN's Nitrix while cutting. I am on a cutting diet-high protein low carb, a cycle designed around that goal, and my supplements are Lipo 6, Animal Flex Animal Stack, and Millenium ZMK and MVP..also protein as needed. I am thinking about throwing some Nitrix into the mix because I like the pump when I lift but am not sure if it will defeat the overall goal and dumping bf.

Any thoughts or experiences would be great! FI

What are your overall goals?

I wouldn't worry so much about adding another supplement as I would about worrying about your diet while cutting. Diet will be the biggest factor in this stage for cutting.

Things I would concentrate on:

Be strict on your diet. Low carb. Stay away from all high GI carbs until a load day.

Get your reps up in the gym. I try for 20 reps each set when I'm cutting. It does make a difference IMO.

Put in time for doing cardio. Some people prefer short amount of time with sprint based cardio or long moderate based cardio. I prefer doing both. I'm usually doing 3 days of sprint type cardio and 3 days of longer 90 minute cardio per week.

Information that Tazmaniac presents is totally fictitious in nature and is presented for role playing purposes only. The opinions presented do not encourage the use of illegal substances nor take the place of professional medical advice.

Death gotta be easy, cause life is'll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred~50 Cent

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I follow what your saying. I have always liked the overall effect of Nitrix and was curious about it effecting my overall goal..

My diet is as good as it can be given where I am at. I eat alot of egg whites and chicken breasts, tuna-you get the idea, trying to stay around a gram of protein per pound of body weight, and it is a fairly clean diets. No sweets, soda, alcohol etc. etc. I am staying low carb, less than 80 grams a day-usually some toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter in the morning, maybe some oatmeal.

I am lifting 6 days a week-usually a body part per day, with a day of rest and doing cardio for 50 minutes everyday. I have started breaking the cardio up into 30 minute interval training about two or three times a week just to break the monotony of grinding on the elliptical/treadmill. I throw in some pilates and yoga because my flexibility sucks and I am getting older so it becomes more relevant when training hard.

My overall goal is to get rid of fat. While I have lifted and ran for overall fitness fairly consistently..I also have eaten what I wanted and not trained with the intensity necessary for long term fitness (I.E. more garbage in than garbage burned.) My desire is to maximize the benefits of the cycle I am on and get the most goal oriented results possible, reducing fat, maintaining lean muscle mass, and regulating loss of lmm post cycle.
