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NAC dosage

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what is the recommended dase for NAC to help protect the liver? Also, do most of you add in some milk thystle with it?

Stay Puft
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I take my NAC with MT as a pre-package supp since I decided I was too lazy to cap the powders. The doses are: 1g NAC + 600mg MT per serving. I usually take 1-2 per day. If are under high liver stress (for whatever reason, perhaps oral AAS) I'd suggest 2-3 times daily. Be cautious, some have regarded MT to inhibit gains to some degree when taking concommitantly with orals.

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i have heard that but never seen any substantiation. If in fact there is any inhibition, it is outweighed by the positive effects. Of course this becomes a non-issue in you drop the 17aa's. I was looking around and found this, i mut be getting old since i do not remember seeing it.



Radovanovic D, Jovanovic D, Mihailovic D, Rankovic G, Stojiljkovic N, Dimitrov V.
INTRODUCTION: The use and abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) commonly induces liver damage. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 40 male Wistar rats, divided into 4 groups of 10 rats each. Animals in the first experimental group (M), were subjected to progressive systematic forced swimming test, 5 days a week, during 8 weeks. Animals in this group were treated with AAS methandienone, 2 mg/kg BW/day, per os, before swimming, 5 d/w for 8 weeks. After swimming, animals were given three times more food than the laboratory animals of the same age and kind. Animals in the second group (M+S), were subjected to progressive forced swimming test, 5 d/w 8 weeks. Animals in this group were treated with methandienone equally as the experimental group M and received the same amount of food. Apart from that, they received silymarin 20 mg/kg BW/day. Animals in the third group (K), represented the control group, which was neither subjected to swimming test, nor treated with methandienone or silymarin. Animals in this group received the same amount of food as animals in groups M and M+S. Animals in the fourth group (C), also represented a control. This group was not exercised nor treated, and animals received a standard amount of food for laboratory animals of this kind and age. Quantitative analysis of obtained hemataxylin-eosin, periodic acid shift and enzymohistochemical preparations was processed using Digital Image Analysis System: Microimage 3.0. RESULTS: It was established that processes in the nuclei of animals in groups M and K were significantly more intensive (p<0.001) in relation to groups M+S and C. The investigation of glycogen showed significantly higher density in the cells of groups M and M+S in comparison to groups K and C. Also, there was a significant difference between groups M+S and M. Density of enzyme activity of glutamate dehydrogenase in hepatocytes of animals in the group M+S was significantly higher in relation to the remaining three groups. A statistically significant difference was not found in enzyme activity of succinate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase. DISCUSSION: In cell nuclei of animals in the experimental group M, in the absence of silymarin effect, methandienone causes damages which induce regenerative processes and in this way increase high intensity activity. Silymarin significantly increases the glycogen density in hepatocytes. Increased activities of GDH are attributed to cell vitality. CONCLUSION: The present results show hepatoprotective effects of silymarin in androgenic-anabolic steroid induced liver damage.

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this is an interesting read that indicates that MT may in fact stimulate growth by binding to the ar.


Enhanced Protein Synthesis

Regeneration of hepatocytes is necessary for hepatic recovery from acute or chronic insults. In chronic injury, fibrosis occurs simultaneously with regeneration; the ultimate outcome is determined by which process dominates. Several studies identified mechanisms through which silybin may facilitate hepatocyte regeneration. In several rat studies, silybin appeared to stimulate ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase I and ribosomal RNA. 48 49 This effect leads to more rapid formation of ribosomes, which in turn increases protein synthesis. The exact mechanism of how RNA polymerase I is stimulated is unclear. One study demonstrated that silymarin binds to a steroid receptor, 48 and it is hypothesized that structural similarity with steroids permits binding. Silymarin then, like steroids, may be able to modulate RNA synthesis. Additionally, one study in rats suggested that silymarin can also enhance deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and, therefore, possibly enhance hepatocyte regeneration. 50 Thus far, one study demonstrated hepatocyte regeneration in rats with silymarin. 49

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Posted by: jboldman
i have heard that but never seen any substantiation. If in fact there is any inhibition, it is outweighed by the positive effects. Of course this becomes a non-issue in you drop the 17aa's. I was looking around and found this, i mut be getting old since i do not remember seeing it.



Radovanovic D, Jovanovic D, Mihailovic D, Rankovic G, Stojiljkovic N, Dimitrov V.
INTRODUCTION: The use and abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) commonly induces liver damage. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 40 male Wistar rats, divided into 4 groups of 10 rats each. Animals in the first experimental group (M), were subjected to progressive systematic forced swimming test, 5 days a week, during 8 weeks. Animals in this group were treated with AAS methandienone, 2 mg/kg BW/day, per os, before swimming, 5 d/w for 8 weeks. After swimming, animals were given three times more food than the laboratory animals of the same age and kind. Animals in the second group (M+S), were subjected to progressive forced swimming test, 5 d/w 8 weeks. Animals in this group were treated with methandienone equally as the experimental group M and received the same amount of food. Apart from that, they received silymarin 20 mg/kg BW/day. Animals in the third group (K), represented the control group, which was neither subjected to swimming test, nor treated with methandienone or silymarin. Animals in this group received the same amount of food as animals in groups M and M+S. Animals in the fourth group (C), also represented a control. This group was not exercised nor treated, and animals received a standard amount of food for laboratory animals of this kind and age. Quantitative analysis of obtained hemataxylin-eosin, periodic acid shift and enzymohistochemical preparations was processed using Digital Image Analysis System: Microimage 3.0. RESULTS: It was established that processes in the nuclei of animals in groups M and K were significantly more intensive (p<0.001) in relation to groups M+S and C. The investigation of glycogen showed significantly higher density in the cells of groups M and M+S in comparison to groups K and C. Also, there was a significant difference between groups M+S and M. Density of enzyme activity of glutamate dehydrogenase in hepatocytes of animals in the group M+S was significantly higher in relation to the remaining three groups. A statistically significant difference was not found in enzyme activity of succinate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase. DISCUSSION: In cell nuclei of animals in the experimental group M, in the absence of silymarin effect, methandienone causes damages which induce regenerative processes and in this way increase high intensity activity. Silymarin significantly increases the glycogen density in hepatocytes. Increased activities of GDH are attributed to cell vitality. CONCLUSION: The present results show hepatoprotective effects of silymarin in androgenic-anabolic steroid induced liver damage.

Nice study. So how much a day should one use?

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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it really depends on how you get it. I take 80% silymarin extract, 200mg tid.


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"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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sorry, three times a day.


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thanks for the info............I am not on any AA-17 orals right now but I feel it doesn't hurt to keep these in my daily supps

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likewise, i do not do 17aa's but take it anyway.

