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metformin has been talked about for weight loss

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this is one of the few studies that use "non" diabetic subjects. this appeared in the Physicians First Watch today:

Metformin Aids Weight Loss in Obese, Nondiabetic Teens

Metformin can help obese adolescents lose weight, according to a small, industry-supported study in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

Roughly 80 obese, nondiabetic teenagers were randomized to a lifestyle intervention emphasizing diet and exercise, plus either metformin or placebo daily for 48 weeks. At the end of treatment, the mean BMI in the metformin group had dropped 0.9 units, while that in the placebo group had increased 0.2 units — a significant difference. However, 12 to 24 weeks after treatment ended, there was no longer a difference between the groups.

Adverse events did not vary significantly between groups.

The authors call for additional studies but conclude that the drug "may have an important role in the treatment of adolescent obesity."

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& it activates AMPK, the master gene for endurance athletes!

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i tried it some years ago and it gave me cramps while severe exercising (mountain climbing)


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How much is .9 units of BMI?

How would this work as far as nutrient shuttling? Post Work Out shakes are used to get glycogen back in the muscles faster, I've been wodering if this would do the same thing?

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that is what i was using it for. and how i was using it. if you bmi was 28, just subtrack .9 from that. BMI is

Table: Imperial BMI Formula BMI =
( kg/m² )
(weight in pounds * 703 )
height in inches²

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Posted by: Bananaman
& it activates AMPK, the master gene for endurance athletes!

Ooooh, do you just follow the post workout dosing or is there another way that works better for cycling?

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there are studies suggesting that it impairs VO2 & some saying it improves it; AMPK upregulaets muscle GLUT4 which takes in sugar independently from insulin. So to avoid any potential exercise impairment, take it overnight- activate your AMPK, then exercise & PWO shake as normal. With extra GLUT4 around your muscles should take up more sugar (irrepective of insulin).

Bear in mind that altering intracellular signals to increase production & transport of things like GLUT4 takes a relatively long time, so taking it PWO probably wouldn't help in time. I think metformin also inhibits liver glucose production & lactate metabolism, not sure how that would impair endurance.

Dont take metformin & do exercise if you have any renal probelms- major lactic acidosis is a potentially fatal side effect!

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and keep in mind that this can cause major problems with cramping so experimentation during nncritical times is absolutely essential.


Seabiscuit Hogg
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I'm wondering if you could use it to help induce ketosis while on a CKD. Phenformin worked quite well for this. You'de only have to use it one day a week for this.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)
