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losartan and LVM

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this question was recently asked and i thought everyone might like to know. not only do ace inhibitors but also arbs can prevent/reverse LVH.



J Hum Hypertens. 2005 Apr;19(4):277-83.

Effect of losartan and Spironolactone on left ventricular mass and heart sympathetic activity in prehypertensive obese subjects: a 16-week randomized trial.
Amador N, Encarnación JJ, Guízar JM, Rodríguez L, López M.

Unidad de Investigación Epidemiológica, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Guanajuato, México.

Obesity has been shown to be associated with increased left ventricular mass (LVM) and heart sympathetic activity even in nonhypertensive subjects. These factors are predictors of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality independent of other traditional risk factors. We evaluated the effect of losartan and Spironolactone on LVM and heart sympathetic activity in prehypertensive obese subjects. A 16-week blinded randomized trial was performed in middle-aged men selected from a Health Public program. Anthropometric and clinical variables were measured at baseline and after losartan (50 mg/day; n=25) or Spironolactone (25 mg/day; n=25) treatment. Heart sympathetic activity was evaluated with 60-min electrocardiograph monitoring, and spectral analysis was carried out. LVM was measured by echocardiography according to Devereux and Reicheck's formula indexed for body height (m2.7) to account for obesity. Anthropometric variables, systolic, and diastolic blood pressure levels decreased in both groups of treatment without statisticall difference between them. Losartan increased heart rate variability (from 70.0 to 82.3 ms; P=0.01), and decreased low frequency-high frequency index (from 6.6 to 4.9; P=0.001), and LVM (from 49.2 to 45.2 g; P=0.004). In the multiple regression analysis for factors associated with reduction in LVM; treatment with losartan, and decrease in SBP were the only factors included in the model (R2=0.60; P=0.003). To conclude losartan, but not Spironolactone, decreased LVM and heart sympathetic overactivity in prehypertensive obese subjects after 16 weeks of treatment. Regression on LVM was associated with reduction on SBP levels.

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although this study did not find any detrimental effects of short term anabolic use, i would still caution everyone aouut lvh. this study is modestly good news for single cycle users but still the use of an ace inhibitor or ARB is common sense.



Int J Sports Med. 2003 Jul;24(5):344-51.

Prospective echocardiographic assessment of androgenic-anabolic steroids effects on cardiac structure and function in strength athletes.
Hartgens F, Cheriex EC, Kuipers H.

Netherlands Centre for Doping Affairs, Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands. [email protected]

Comment in:

Int J Sports Med. 2004 Apr;25(3):241-2; author reply 243-4.

Since the abuse of androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS) has been associated with the occurrence of serious cardiovascular disease in young athletes, we performed two studies to investigate the effects of short-term AAS administration on heart structure and function in experienced male strength athletes, with special reference to dose and duration of drug abuse. In Study 1 the effects of AAS were assessed in 17 experienced male strength athletes (age 31 +/- 7 y) who self-administered AAS for 8 or 12 - 16 weeks and in 15 non-using strength athletes (age 33 +/- 5 y) in a non-blinded design. In Study 2 the effects of administration of nandrolone decanoate (200 mg/wk i. m.) for eight weeks were investigated in 16 bodybuilders in a randomised double blind, placebo controlled design. In all subjects M-mode and two-dimensional Doppler-echocardiography were performed at baseline and after 8 weeks AAS administration. In the athletes of Study 1 who used AAS for 12 - 16 weeks a third echocardiogram was also made at the end of the AAS administration period. Echocardiographic examinations included the determination of the aortic diameter (AD), left atrium diameter (LA), left ventricular end diastolic diameter (LVEDD), interventricular septum thickness (IVS), posterior wall end diastolic wall thickness (PWEDWT), left ventricular mass (LVM), left ventricular mass index (LVMI), ejection fraction (EF) and right ventricular diameter (RVD). For assessment of the diastolic function measurements of E and A peak velocities and calculation of E/A ratio were used. In addition, acceleration and deceleration times of the E-top (ATM and DT, respectively) were determined. For evaluation of factors associated with stroke volume the aorta peak flow (AV) and left ventricular ejection times (LVET) were determined. In Study 1 eight weeks AAS self-administration did not result in changes of blood pressure or cardiac size and function. Additionally, duration of AAS self-administration did not have any impact on these parameters. Study 2 revealed that eight weeks administration of nandrolone decanoate did not induce significant alterations in blood pressure and heart morphology and function. Short-term administration of AAS for periods up to 16 weeks did not lead to detectable echocardiographic alterations of heart morphology and systolic and diastolic function in experienced strength athletes. The administration regimen used nor the length of AAS abuse did influence the results. Moreover, it is concluded that echocardiographic evaluation may provide incomplete assessment of the actual cardiac condition in AAS users since it is not sensitive enough to detect alterations at the cellular level. Nevertheless, from the present study no conclusions can be drawn of the cardiotoxic effects of long term AAS abuse.

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and finally, a reality check. although i do not necessarily subscribe to the goom and doom presented here, everyone should be aware of it and take steps tp prevent or mediate it.



Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2010;(195):411-57.

Androgenic anabolic steroid abuse and the cardiovascular system.
Vanberg P, Atar D.

Chief Physician/Senior Cardiologist, Oslo University Hospital - Aker, Trondheimsveien 235, 0514-Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. [email protected]

Abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) has been linked to a variety of different cardiovascular side effects. In case reports, acute myocardial infarction is the most common event presented, but other adverse cardiovascular effects such as left ventricular hypertrophy, reduced left ventricular function, arterial thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and several cases of sudden cardiac death have also been reported. However, to date there are no prospective, randomized, interventional studies on the long-term cardiovascular effects of abuse of AAS. In this review we have studied the relevant literature regarding several risk factors for cardiovascular disease where the effects of AAS have been scrutinized1) Echocardiographic studies show that supraphysiologic doses of AAS lead to both morphologic and functional changes of the heart. These include a tendency to produce myocardial hypertrophy (Fig. 3), a possible increase of heart chamber diameters, unequivocal alterations of diastolic function and ventricular relaxation, and most likely a subclinically compromised left ventricular contractile function. (2) AAS induce a mild, but transient increase of blood pressure. However, the clinical significance of this effect remains modest. (3) Furthermore, AAS confer an enhanced pro-thrombotic state, most prominently through an activation of platelet aggregability. The concomitant effects on the humoral coagulation cascade are more complex and include activation of both pro-coagulatory and fibrinolytic pathways. (4) Users of AAS often demonstrate unfavorable measurements of vascular reactivity involving endothelial-dependent or endothelial-independent vasodilatation. A degree of reversibility seems to be consistent, though. (5) There is a comprehensive body of evidence documenting that AAS induce various alterations of lipid metabolism. The most prominent changes are concomitant elevations of LDL and decreases of HDL, effects that increase the risk of coronary artery disease. And finally, (6) the use of AAS appears to confer an increased risk of life-threatening arrhythmia leading to sudden death, although the underlying mechanisms are still far from being elucidated. Taken together, various lines of evidence involving a variety of pathophysiologic mechanisms suggest an increased risk for cardiovascular disease in users of anabolic androgenic steroids.

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Glad you posted this thanks! I've got my losartan on the way. I do get an irregular heartbeat occasionally, usually associate it with too high caffeine intake. However, I wonder if any reversible damage has been done. I'm early 30's and have certainly done more than 1 or 2 cycles.

Also, would it be inadvisable to take an ace and arb together, or would this offer a dual benefit?

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there is no evidence of any "dual" benefit from taking two together other than what one might expect from a dose related effect. irregular heartbeats on an occasional basis are very common, most likely not due to lvh.
