what can I take besides clomid to obtain this? Zinc? what else....?
nolva seems to work too.. not as well as clomid..
Originally posted by ironman_845 nolva seems to work too.. not as well as clomid.. besides nolva and clomid... I mean like minerals and herbs.. sorry for not clarifying.
maca maca -herb Vitamin E Tribex Anenia Sativa nettles root
Originally posted by JuicedSavage what can I take besides clomid to obtain this? Zinc? what else....? zma....proviron....clomid.
no whackin off. save it and let it build up for when you're waxin ass. works for me.
Use HCG 100IU ED for a week along with 100mg of clomid ED
ask peter north.
in summary Maca Vitamin E Zinc Tribex Avenia Sativa Nettles Root Use HCG 100IU ED for a week along with 100mg of clomid ED ZMA Proviron Vitex Lecitihn Peter North Load pills-he sells them...
Durabolin , was it you thast used to be a pornstar? if so you should start a thread about the porn industry.
Originally posted by organdoner no whackin off. save it and let it build up for when you're waxin ass. works for me. yeah, but the only problem with that is coming too damn fast when havent blown a load in a while...
Originally posted by BIGJOE24 Durabolin , was it you thast used to be a pornstar? if so you should start a thread about the porn industry. That's Deca Ready mate, lucky fucker!
bump the lecithin. bruno b uses this to shoot mega wad. it made my thicker. i bout choked my old lady. look up bruno b, lecithin on internet,
the trick is when you come don't squeeze the rounds off let it come out natural.