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I've gotten some great PM's from you guys concerning adding Kenacort and/or other cortico's to one's regime. This is great, as much as doping can be great, I guess.

Anyway, I just want to reiterate to everyone that corticosteroids are incredibly powerful compounds. When employed correctly, their results are ass-kicking and you will have legs of steel for a day or two.

However, the downside is that the cortico's sometimes work too well, and you may find yourself using them frequently. This is bad, because the same thing that makes a drug like Kenacort so effective - it's power - can wreak havoc with your body. Everything from secondary adrenal suppression, to immunosuppression to hypoglycemia can result from even moderate corticosteroid use.

So be judicious, ok? And start with the smallest dose that will cause a positive effect.

Rock on,


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I have not ventured into this area but have been curious about it. I have a few stage races each year and may give it a try soon. Thank you for the words for the caution.

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No worries.

Briefest most common protocol is to take 20mg IM 48 hours before the event, and ride:

1. Immediately after injecting (Friday for a Sunday race) - two hours endurance.
2. Saturday - tune-up anaerobic capacity, leg speed and VO2 work
3. Sunday - race

Some riders can derive a benefit from as little as a 4mg IM injection 24 hours before the competition.

The major concern with a single dose is to not block the legs, which is that terrible petrified wood sensation. Thus the smallest effective dose possible, at LEAST 24 hours before the event. For a more advanced protocol, try 20mg on Friday, and - if not blocked on Saturday during training - inject IM another 4-8mg that evening (12-16hrs before event).

The major long term complications I touched on previously, and they are INEVITABLE if one uses too much corticosteroids. So you must be disciplined, save the corticos for the most important events and don't fall into the trap of using them too much, which will spell disaster.

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Posted by: za001
No worries.

Briefest most common protocol is to take 20mg IM 48 hours before the event, and ride:

1. Immediately after injecting (Friday for a Sunday race) - two hours endurance.
2. Saturday - tune-up anaerobic capacity, leg speed and VO2 work
3. Sunday - race

Some riders can derive a benefit from as little as a 4mg IM injection 24 hours before the competition.

The major concern with a single dose is to not block the legs, which is that terrible petrified wood sensation. Thus the smallest effective dose possible, at LEAST 24 hours before the event. For a more advanced protocol, try 20mg on Friday, and - if not blocked on Saturday during training - inject IM another 4-8mg that evening (12-16hrs before event).

The major long term complications I touched on previously, and they are INEVITABLE if one uses too much corticosteroids. So you must be disciplined, save the corticos for the most important events and don't fall into the trap of using them too much, which will spell disaster.

Really good advice! Good protocol advice! Good moderation advice.


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would this help a boxer?

power is nothing without control

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DEFINITELY NOT --would help to recover from an injury tho.M/track

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Hey Z001,have you had experience with quick acting synacthen?and what would be a good protocol?used depot + betamethasone with good success.M/track

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Thanks for the great information. Will the inhailed (Nasacort) have the same effect as IM admin. If so, at what dose?

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Posted by: cross7
Thanks for the great information. Will the inhailed (Nasacort) have the same effect as IM admin. If so, at what dose?

INhaled does not provide same effect as an IM injection.

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If a person is prone to cramping in long, hot races, will corticosteroids help to delay the cramping?
