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INFO: bro's with joint problems read

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Originally posted by Amatuer EZstreet you shot the whole 500mL bottle in one go??? Yeah it's 100,g/ml dosing @ 2mg/lb =500mg/5ml/1 bottle. The human use is basically the same as animal use from all I've read. I wouldn't fuck with shooting intraarticular as there is too much potential for screw ups(damage to the joints) dues to improper techniques + infection( not to mention pain. I also found no where of there being a distinct advantage over intramuscular injections for the most part. Today: woke up a little morning stiffness(most being from morning wood) slight pain that slowly went away after some movement. Knees a kinda snap crackly. Left one being way worse than right. Haven't had that today in right. Left about the same but no pain or real stiffness. Got up without dread and wrestled & roughed my pit up & picked on my wife(bout like the pit) I felt great the dog loved me rough housing her. Wife: said she wished I would settle down but glad I felt good. Tried to poke her in the rear-that's not unusual though :devil: Phone rang interupted-fucking Ontario call telemarketing fux selling lotto tickets. Put them on hold and went and switched the "Tele-Zapper" back on high....ate 20 mg/oxandrin + 20 mg/Dbol.....forgot all about them being on hold tilling I heard the loud phone beeps an"if you'ld like to make a call recording. Now going to take a shit then go eat...I'll fill you in as the day progresses:biglaugh:

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Originally posted by EZstreet Yeah it's 100,g/ml dosing @ 2mg/lb =500mg/5ml/1 bottle. The human use is basically the same as animal use from all I've read. I wouldn't fuck with shooting intraarticular as there is too much potential for screw ups(damage to the joints) dues to improper techniques + infection( not to mention pain. I also found no where of there being a distinct advantage over intramuscular injections for the most part. Today: woke up a little morning stiffness(most being from morning wood) slight pain that slowly went away after some movement. Knees a kinda snap crackly. Left one being way worse than right. Haven't had that today in right. Left about the same but no pain or real stiffness. Got up without dread and wrestled & roughed my pit up & picked on my wife(bout like the pit) I felt great the dog loved me rough housing her. Wife: said she wished I would settle down but glad I felt good. Tried to poke her in the rear-that's not unusual though :devil: Phone rang interupted-fucking Ontario call telemarketing fux selling lotto tickets. Put them on hold and went and switched the "Tele-Zapper" back on high....ate 20 mg/oxandrin + 20 mg/dbol.....forgot all about them being on hold tilling I heard the loud phone beeps an"if you'ld like to make a call recording. Now going to take a shit then go eat...I'll fill you in as the day progresses:biglaugh: EZ? you using the equine or canine...I thought the canine was 100mg/ml 5 mls and the equine was 500mg/ml 5 mls so the equine would be a better deal. I'd eat dogshitt if it would help my pops cracks aches bakes and ....

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Originally posted by massivegmax EZ? you using the equine or canine...I thought the canine was 100mg/ml 5 mls and the equine was 500mg/ml 5 mls so the equine would be a better deal. I'd eat dogshitt if it would help my pops cracks aches bakes and .... They are both the same strength- "100mg/ml -5ml bottle". The only difference is one says canine and the other says equine. CAnine is descibed as above -equine is decribed as "500mg/5ml bottle".

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Anyone know if this is a controlled substance??? How much did you pay?? Keep us updated with your progress bro!!

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Originally posted by Amatuer Anyone know if this is a controlled substance??? How much did you pay?? Keep us updated with your progress bro!! Arteparon(human version) may be a presiption item in europe but not controlled substance. Adequan(veternary) is a prescription veternary item but not a controlled substance in the states. If you can get a net source for adequan you'll pay around $55 to$60 usd 500mg/5ml. Equine is about $6 cheaper for some reason-500mg/5ml. I hurt a little today but have a better range of motion than I have for awhile. Still it's early and I've had a drastic improvement in this very short amount of time. MassiveG- I have discovered that a certain breed of pitbull(rare bloodline) in fact , does illiminate in it's fecal matter,magical substances(coming from an unusual worm) from a study done in a university in B.F. Egypt!!! I checked my dogs bloodline and sure enough it's that rare bloodline that eliminates the active joint healing miracle found in canine fecal matter(dogshit/the rare unusual worms can be seen without a microscope). This is very expensive and rare but with much deliberation we(me & my wife) have decided to bottle this up and sell it at a special price!!! I truly hate to part with it because of it's value and the inevitable mortality of my dog. The price normally would go for $12,000/pint(oral use only). But during this special upcoming holiday season(halloween & the others I can't remember) I will sell it to you only for $999.95!!!(tax & shipping not included). Indications are a pint/week/52 weeks-then maintenance of 2 pints/month for life . WE have secured just slighty over this at this point in time ACT NOW!!!!!! DO NOT DELAY!!!!! this is not the time to talk shit!!!!!

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Well I have a blue staff so I would imagine his shit has something in it so I am set...LOL!!!

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Any online ordering sites???

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Originally posted by Amateur Any online ordering sites??? Ditto. My elbows need something like this bad. Any sites that don't need a script please PM me. I've searched and every one I've found/contacted wants a script.

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seek and yee shall find. whether the substance is controlled or not, it would not not be wising posting sites that sell vet. prescription drugs without requiring a scrip. EZ, glad that the stuff has been helping.

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What site are you using? I got bottle of equine IM and just wandered if I should shoot it near several sites or just pop it in my rear?

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im guessing the closer to the joint in question the better (ie. if the knees were bothering you, you'd the the quads, the elbows you could hit the bis or tris, the shoulders you'd hit the delts.) i have not tried it yet because i don't have any joint problems, just saw the good read and heard nothing but good things from other bros and though i'd pass the knowledge on to the bros here. good luck.

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Originally posted by mac83 im guessing the closer to the joint in question the better (ie. if the knees were bothering you, you'd the the quads, the elbows you could hit the bis or tris, the shoulders you'd hit the delts.) i have not tried it yet because i don't have any joint problems, just saw the good read and heard nothing but good things from other bros and though i'd pass the knowledge on to the bros here. good luck. I'm starting to believe that as was told from the chick by the veterinarian. REason is, my shoulder is feeling much better(though I keep over stressing it) and my knee is feeling slightly better. But no where near to the degree of my shoulder. And my shoulder is far worse off(which is where I have done the injections. I don't have the knowledge,stomach or balls to go itraarticular or I would say that would be a good way to go for a real problem area(this was also passed down a few days ago by a vet).

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Originally posted by EZstreet I'm starting to believe that as was told from the chick by the veterinarian. REason is, my shoulder is feeling much better(though I keep over stressing it) and my knee is feeling slightly better. But no where near to the degree of my shoulder. And my shoulder is far worse off(which is where I have done the injections. I don't have the knowledge,stomach or balls to go itraarticular or I would say that would be a good way to go for a real problem area(this was also passed down a few days ago by a vet). there should be no need to go intraarticular and you'd be foolish to do so since u have no idea what you're doing with that. you'd be highly likely to do more harm than good. stick to the IM injects

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Originally posted by mac83 there should be no need to go intraarticular YEs in some cases there are from what I've read. Originally posted by mac83 you'd be highly likely to do more harm than good. stick to the IM injects Yes I agree and stated that. I've been non-stop reading on the matter and for a trained proffessionl there can be benefits to intraarticular. The only joint injection pro I can think of is a veteranarian for adequan . No vet is going to administer adequan intraarticular to a human in the states. I have no plans on going aa.

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