GABA & resistance t...
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GABA & resistance training

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I tried GABA powder years ago and got nowhere. I decided to give it a go again, and the tub I bought said "dissolve 2-3 grams under the tongue"- I tried this and within 20 minutes my hands had insane tingles, then my breathing went strange for a few mins- as I felt out of breath and had to concentrate on each breath to get enough air in. These sides sound like similar ones to HGH, but my understanding is that GABA doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier, so I'm unsure how it exerts its effects? There is definately something going on with it, as I get great sleep afterwards with very vivid dreams, and can train like a demon the next day. I also found this interesting study that suggests the GH spike is even bigger if GABA is taken before exercise:

Anyone else had any experiences good or bad with GABA?

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been taking 3g of powder in water for a few days before bed. get a bit of funny sensation in hands but nothing extreme.

I do seem to sleep better, depper not longer, in fact I wake up feeling rested after 6 hours


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try keeping the powder under your tongue for a few mins before swallowing, it seems to increase the effect for me!

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I've had similar, but not as intense, experiences as B-Man. Not sure it did anything for the training though.

I was doing 3g in water and down the hatch so maybe I'll try sub-ling.

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I heard the tingling in the hands was a result of niacin being brought out of the skin. I have had the same tingling sensations but that was all I got from gaba. I never felt like I got better sleep or anything like that at the time. Although maybe I did and just never noticed it

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur

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I've read a paper that showed a small increase in GH with GABA, but if talen pre workout, it causes a massive boost in the GH surge due to exercise, I'll try to find the reference

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bollox just realised that the reference was at the start of the thread. I must be getting old, maybe the GABA has made me forgetful..

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just to tmake up fopr the repeat post:

Acta Endocrinol (Copenh). 1980 Feb;93(2):149-54.Links
Effect of acute and repeated administration of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) on growth hormone and prolactin secretion in man.Cavagnini F, Invitti C, Pinto M, Maraschini C, Di Landro A, Dubini A, Marelli A.
A single oral dose of 5 g gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) was given to 19 subjects and serial venous blood samples were obtained before and 3 h after drug administration. A placebo was administered to 18 subjects who served as controls. GABA caused a significant elevation of plasma growth hormone levels (P less than 0.001), but did not consistently alter plasma prolactin concentration since only 5 out of 15 subjects showed an increase of the hormone. Eight additional subjects were submitted to an insulin tolerance test before and after per os administration of 18 g GABA daily for 4 days. Protracted GABA treatment significantly blunted the response of growth hormone and enhanced that of prolactin to insulin hypoglycaemia (P less than 0.01). These results indicate that pharmacological doses of GABA affect growth hormone and prolactin secretion in man. The precise nature of GABA's effects as well as its mechanism of action remains to be clarified.
