hi all, just want info back on the stuff, is it any good ? , M cells
Yep. Used to do 25mg ephedera 200mg caffine 100mg asprine trees times a day about 10 years ago when I trained for natural BB shows. Was loosing 2lbs a week without even trying. You can cut those dosages down too just keep the ratio the same. If you ever had heart problems or high BP I would NOT recommend ECA stacks.
Yep. Used to do 25mg ephedera 200mg caffine 100mg asprine trees times a day about 10 years ago when I trained for natural BB shows. Was loosing 2lbs a week without even trying. You can cut those dosages down too just keep the ratio the same. If you ever had heart problems or high BP I would NOT recommend ECA stacks.
so what ya saying, is even if u aint training hard, its already having a direct effect, on fat being burned for energy ?, although i am training hard, im still cutting up, those that remember my last digimon posts, i got a vacation / holiday in october, so untill all im doing is cutting up, after my hols and over winter will be mass time, but yeah, like i say my 45 mins cardio 4 times a week will this help, M cells
Its the best OTC supp out there IMO. I hate most supps as most do nothing. ECA actually works.
The great thing about the ECA stack is its' short half, 4 hours if I remember correctly. Won' keep you up at night if timed correctly.
can anyone post a link to this product, as i dont want to order a fake product online, or is there only one eca stack being sold ?, cheers, M cells
and obviously i know i could buy all 3 items seperate but like i said, im interested in a ready mix, M cells
way overpriced. much cheaper to just get it the old fashioned way.
Buy them all seperate. In canada they have to be sold that way now anyway.Costs around 8-12 bucks for ephedine 10 bucks for caffine.
This is the link to the direct ephedrine page.
True that. Super cheap at truck stops. Truckers need to stay alert.
Somepeople like a few diff fat burners but I stick to ECA. I love the stuff. It is the one supp (other then muscle milk) that I have nothing bad to say about.
Just curious any reason you dont want ephedrine hcl? much more accurate dosing with it. I'll have to check on the ephedra though, some places are still skiddish about carrying it. ephedrine hcl is sold at any good supp store,gas station, online site, etc.