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Does Creatine Inhibit Fat Burning

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J Appl Physiol 2002 Aug 16; [epub ahead of print]

Creatine supplementation influences substrate utilization at rest.

Huso ME, Hampl JS, Johnston CS, Swan PD.

Department of Nutrition, Arizona State University, Mesa, AZ, USA.

The influence of creatine supplementation on substrate utilization during rest was investigated using a double-blind crossover design. Ten active men participated in 12 weeks of weight training and were given creatine and placebo (20 g/d for 4 d, then 2 g/d for 17 d) in two trials separated by a 4-week washout. Body composition, substrate utilization, and strength were assessed following week 2, 5, 9 and 12. Maximal isometric contraction (1-RM) leg press increased significantly (P < 0.05) following both treatments but 1-RM bench press was increased (33 kg +/- 8, P < 0.05) only following creatine. Total body mass increased (1.6 kg +/- 0.5, P < 0.05) after creatine but not after placebo. Significant (P < 0.05) increases in fat-free mass were found following both creatine (1.9 kg +/- 0.8) and placebo (2.2 kg +/- 0.7) supplementation. Fat mass did not change significantly with creatine, but decreased after the placebo trial (-2.4 kg +/- 0.8, P < 0.05). Carbohydrate oxidation was increased by creatine (8.9% +/- 4.0, P < 0.05), while there was a trend for increased RER after creatine supplementation (0.03 +/- 0.01, P = 0.07). Changes in substrate oxidation may influence the inhibition of fat mass loss associated with creatine following weight training.

Note: RER, or Respiratory Exchange Ratio, is a measure of how much fat vs. how much glucose is being used for fuel. The higher the RER, the more glucose/less fat there is being burned.

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I was just talking about this tonight with someone... ironic to say the least.

saint808 is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way, shape or form encourage, use nor condone the use of any illegal substances or the use of legal substances in an illegal manner. The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only and shall not take the place of qualified medical advice.

To quote Oscar Wilde, "They say we destroy the things we love, but really the things we love destroy us."

It's strange, how laughter looks like crying, with no sound and rain drops taste like tears, without the pain.

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Notice in this energy restricted group, the creatine group and the placebo group had similar levels of fat loss. Maybe the main difference was the fact that this group were on a diet:

Creatine supplementation affects muscle creatine during energy restriction.

Rockwell JA, Rankin JW, Toderico B.

Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg 24061-0430, USA.

INTRODUCTION: Anaerobic performance and body protein may decrease with energy restriction practiced by some athletes for weight loss. METHODS: This investigation examined the effects of creatine (Cr) supplementation during energy restriction on muscle Cr, exercise performance (10 sprints of 6 s, with 30-s rest), nitrogen balance, and body composition in male resistance trainers. Creatine supplemented (CrS, 20 g x d(-1) of Cr) and those given a placebo (P1) consumed a formula diet of 75.3 kJ (18 kcal) x kg(-1) x d(-1) (54.7% C, 21.3% P, 24% F) for 4 d. A control group was unsupplemented and continued their normal diet. There were no changes in body composition or performance of the control group. RESULTS: CrS and P1 demonstrated similar decreases in body weight and percent body fat. The percent change in fat-free mass was more for P1 (2.4+/-0.3% reduction) than CrS (1.4+/-0.4%), but urinary nitrogen losses were similar. Significant increases in muscle total Cr and CrP of 15-16% were demonstrated by CrS over the energy restriction period, whereas P1 had no changes in muscle Cr. Total work done during the sprints expressed per body weight tended to be 3.8% higher in CrS and 0.5% less in P1 after the energy restriction (P = 0.058). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that Cr supplementation increased muscle Cr during short-term energy restriction but did not affect body fat or protein loss. The change in muscle creatine was reflected in a tendency for higher total sprint work for the Cr group.

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That could be, or maybe the length of the study. The one where creatine shifted substrate utilization from fat to carbs lasted 3 weeks whereas the other lasted 4 days.

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I started going back over some older creatine studies, and although I never noticed it before, the fat sparing effect of creatine has shown up in earlier studies. Consider the abstract below for example. The relevant passage is this one:

"Total body weight significantly increased (P < 0.05) in the HP group (P 0.85 +/- 2.2; HP 2.42 +/- 1.4 kg) while no differences were observed in the percentage of total body water. DEXA scanned body mass (P 0.77 +/- 1.8; HP 2.22 +/- 1.5 kg) and fat/bone-free mass (P 1.33 +/- 1.1; HP 2.43 +/- 1.4 kg) were significantly increased in the HP group."

Notice in the creatine group the increase in fat free mass is identical to the increase in total weight. No fat was lost, but 2 1/2 kg of muscle was added.

In the placebo group body weight increased by 0.85 kg, but fat free mass increased by 1.33 kg. They had to lose the difference, 0.48 kg, in fat.

Maybe it makes sense to cycle creatine, using it during a bulking phase but skipping it during cutting.

Med Sci Sports Exerc 1998 Jan;30(1):73-82

Effects of creatine supplementation on body composition, strength, and sprint performance.

Kreider RB, Ferreira M, Wilson M, Grindstaff P, Plisk S, Reinardy J, Cantler E, Almada AL.

Department of Human Movement Sciences & Education, The University of Memphis, TN 38152, USA. [email protected]

PURPOSE: To determine the effects of 28 d of creatine supplementation during training on body composition, strength, sprint performance, and hematological profiles. METHODS: In a double-blind and randomized manner, 25 NCAA division IA football players were matched-paired and assigned to supplement their diet for 28 d during resistance/agility training (8 h x wk[-1]) with a Phosphagen HP (Experimental and Applied Sciences, Golden, CO) placebo (P) containing 99 g x d(-1) of glucose, 3 g x d(-1) of taurine, 1.1 g x d(-1) of disodium phosphate, and 1.2 g x d(-1) of potassium phosphate (P) or Phosphagen HP containing the P with 15.75 g x d(-1) of HPCE pure creatine monohydrate (HP). Before and after supplementation, fasting blood samples were obtained; total body weight, total body water, and body composition were determined; subjects performed a maximal repetition test on the isotonic bench press, squat, and power clean; and subjects performed a cycle ergometer sprint test (12 x 6-s sprints with 30-s rest recovery). RESULTS: Hematological parameters remained within normal clinical limits for active individuals with no side effects reported.Total body weight significantly increased (P < 0.05) in the HP group (P 0.85 +/- 2.2; HP 2.42 +/- 1.4 kg) while no differences were observed in the percentage of total body water. DEXA scanned body mass (P 0.77 +/- 1.8; HP 2.22 +/- 1.5 kg) and fat/bone-free mass (P 1.33 +/- 1.1; HP 2.43 +/- 1.4 kg) were significantly increased in the HP group. Gains in bench press lifting volume (P -5 +/- 134; HP 225 +/- 246 kg), the sum of bench press, squat, and power clean lifting volume (P 1,105 +/- 429; HP 1,558 +/- 645 kg), and total work performed during the first five 6-s sprints was significantly greater in the HP group. CONCLUSION: The addition of creatine to the glucose/taurine/electrolyte supplement promoted greater gains in fat/bone-free mass, isotonic lifting volume, and sprint performance during intense resistance/agility training

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So you can still lose fat while ur on creatine? I dont understand all of that scientific stuff..Thanks


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Posted by: Beginer03
So you can still lose fat while ur on creatine? I dont understand all of that scientific stuff..Thanks


I am sure you can, it is just that creatine inhibits fat loss. I am copying this to the supp section because the vault isn't typically where you would respond to questions. Not everyone checks it that often.

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I always use creatine in my precontest phase.
It helps to keep my train with high intensity, and with this my body gains more density muscles. High intensity trainning burn more calories, and increase metabolic rate in rest....
But in last 2 weeks, when I "play" with body water, I dont use...
I also like to use right before a show.

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What was the outcome of this in the end?How significantly does creatine inhibit fat reduction?
