Creatine - How and ...
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Creatine - How and why?

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Can someone explain to me the benefits of using Creatine? Also, how it should be used eg: dosage and length of use? We dont really talk all that much about the supplements that are out there that are of use to us as opposed to the latest greatest gamma-hydroxy-test-1diol-abol. BBZ

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I dont really have it in me to go into depth on it this late on a saturday night ( long day ) but I really think creatine is one of the best suppliments out there. I have 3 shakes a day and put a little creatine in every shake . I feel that it lets me punch out those extra few reps in a workout , often the difference between an average workout and a good one. So I dont dare miss out on taking it. I read somewhere a while ago that it shoud be loaded , like the body can only hold a certain amount therefor you have to keep taking it , also I think I read that it should be cycled ... few weeks on and few off. Im sure some of you other guys have vastly more information on it so I will just stick to a two thumbs up for creatine ๐Ÿ™‚ Ab

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personal experience it does nothing for me. i tried using it several years back when i was doing long work endurance stuff in 38 degree heat, i am talking up to 30kms per day on foot. i found it did nothing for muscle endurance or strength. we had it adminstered in a few different ways and none worked for me. on the other hand, my brother uses it for semi pro mountain biking racing. he thinks it makes all the difference. finally i think its ingredient factor may be some what sceptical after some reading i did last year. good debate BBZ, esp for a long boring saturday night at work!

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BBZ,I have found it to be great..especially prior to the general a feeling of more energy in the gym,a little quicker recovery..used to combine it with l-glut...dosage seems to be dependant on the product,but I think a loading phase of double the amount to be taken for five days then back to half thereafter.

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I have 5gms day post workout with 30gms dextrose.

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i use it with my post workout insulin injection and also as part of my post cycle therapy. creatine causes you to hold water intramuscularly. when used with slin you can add 6-8lbs with it, and when used posy cycle it helps to keep your weight up. some people say they dont get much from it, but i can speak from experience and say its about the only ptc supp thats worth anything.

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I get some wicked stomach discomfort from it....... me no like!

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If it gives you an upset tummy try the Nano Creatine. You only need about three grams per serve of it.

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Originally posted by davepuppies I get some wicked stomach discomfort from it....... me no like! Have used all different types and it does definitely with muscles endurance during the workout. Alot of people experience bloating and stomach discomfort from the powdered creatine because of the bodies inability to break it down into a useable form (I'll never use the powder again after learning of the affect it has on the liver enzymes, VERY HIGH while using it). I am although a huge wrap for the liquid creatine by MMUSA. No upset stomach, only use before training, and gives a much better effect in regards to endurance during the workout. I strongly recommend all try it. But remember it's not gear and can't be compared to it as far as being an ergogenic aid!!! If it was really really good they would banned it too!! J.T.J

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Liquid Creatin? Sounds interesting? Anyone know where I can get some? I have been using 5g's pre and post workout, probably too much though as it does tend to cause stomach upsets (my poor training partner had to sit through 75mins of tear jerking farts while we trained). ๐Ÿ™‚ BBZ

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Originally posted by Bigbackzac Liquid Creatin? Sounds interesting? Anyone know where I can get some? I have been using 5g's pre and post workout, probably too much though as it does tend to cause stomach upsets (my poor training partner had to sit through 75mins of tear jerking farts while we trained). ๐Ÿ™‚ BBZ Hi, BBZ ๐Ÿ˜€ I saw those liquid form creatine everywhere. I think you could purchase it any supplement store. The brand name is MMUSA (muscle marketing usa). It does have spoiler in it. So you could mesure the dosage. Ok, I only know health store in the city. So here is the exmaple.. You could get it from Eyelyenfaye nutrition(bourke St), Great earth (swanston st and elizabeth st). Then, I'll keep training hard :wallbash: BBz also keep training hard with liquid creatine :wallbash:

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Originally posted by greenberet Hi, BBZ ๐Ÿ˜€ I saw those liquid form creatine everywhere. I think you could purchase it any supplement store. The brand name is MMUSA (muscle marketing usa). It does have spoiler in it. So you could mesure the dosage. Ok, I only know health store in the city. So here is the exmaple.. You could get it from Eyelyenfaye nutrition(bourke St), Great earth (swanston st and elizabeth st). Then, I'll keep training hard :wallbash: BBz also keep training hard with liquid creatine :wallbash: Thanks mate, I will look it up. Are you still in Korea? BBZ

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BBZ, The MMUSA Creatine serum comes in a 150ml container (with a metered eye dropper) and when taken as directed will deliver 30 servings of creatine at 2500mg a serve. The claimed advantages (by the manufacturer) are that there is no loading period, no maintenance doses required (take only on training days), it is instantly absorbed and completely assimilated into the muscles in minutes and it will not cause water retention, bloating or cramping. It comes in flavors such as orange and cherry and its listed ingredients are pure creatine monohydrate, vitamin b12, royal jelly, ginseng, glycerine, honey, distilled water and natural flavorings. Hope this helps.

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I thought everyone was dishing this liquid creatine saying its very unstable and converts into creatinine rapidly in solution form. Or is this a new improved version?

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Originally posted by armoured personal experience it does nothing for me. i tried using it several years back when i was doing long work endurance stuff in 38 degree heat, i am talking up to 30kms per day on foot. i found it did nothing for muscle endurance or strength. we had it adminstered in a few different ways and none worked for me. on the other hand, my brother uses it for semi pro mountain biking racing. he thinks it makes all the difference. finally i think its ingredient factor may be some what sceptical after some reading i did last year. good debate BBZ, esp for a long boring saturday night at work! I don't think creatine supplement helps with aerobic endurance type exercise like marathon etc, its best for exercise that requires a short burst of energy (~10-15secs?) like lifting weights or sprinting.

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