Are co-enzymated B vitamin tablets really superior to regular B vitamin tablets?
Very doubtful.
liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.
Why do you say that? Source Naturals has a sublingual product which they claim is absorbed much better than orally administered B vitamins. Here's what they say:
In order for B Vitamins to be utilized by the body, they must first be converted into their active coenzyme forms. This sublingual Coenzymate B Complex goes directly into your bloodstream in its active form, ready to go to work immediately.
Why do you say that? Source Naturals has a sublingual product which they claim is absorbed much better than orally administered B vitamins. Here's what they say:
In order for B Vitamins to be utilized by the body, they must first be converted into their active coenzyme forms. This sublingual Coenzymate B Complex goes directly into your bloodstream in its active form, ready to go to work immediately.
They say alot of things to sell shit, doesn't mean that it's true. But without nieve individuals buying their overpriced products these misleading phony companies would go out of business. So buy up!!!!
liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.