Cissus RX--Heal ten...
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Cissus RX--Heal tendon injuries!

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Cissus RX (Cissus quadrangularis)

When researching the ingredients for camphibolic, we included Cissus Quadrangularis primarily for its anabolic effects. The anabolic effect was based on research on bone similar to Anabolic steroids.

“Modern research has shed light on Cissus' ability to speed bone healing by showing it acts as a glucocorticoid antagonist (1,2). Since anabolic/androgenic compounds are well known to act as antagonists to the glucocorticoid receptor as well as promote bone growth and fracture healing, it has been postulated that Cissus possesses anabolic and/or androgenic properties (1,3)”

USPlabs research team was aware that Cissus could possibly promote and heal tendon related injuries while producing a specific analgesic effect.

From the researched article “Cissus,” It briefly states:

“Although the bulk of the research on Cissus centers around bone healing, the possibility exists that Cissus may act to improve bone healing it may improve the healing rate of connective tissue in general, including tendons. If this is the case it would be of great benefit to bodybuilders and athletes.

Without much research or real world results, we shied away from promoting Cissus healing and analgesic properties. Once, camphibolic was offered. The Feedback started. camphibolic was a success. The users began reporting that besides the Fat loss and anabolic effects. camphibolic was relieving nagging shoulder, bicep and Knee problems that where tendon related. The amazing aspect was that the analgesic effect was instant and unlike aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen. The pain relief continued! For example, one subject had an elbow problem and would take ibuprofen for temporarily pain relief. He would awake the next day with the same reoccurring pain. The subject began taking Cissus RX and would awake with moderate or slight pain and everyday the injury would get better. Along with healing the injury, He gained 6 pounds of muscle. This subject was taking 2 capsules in the morning when cortisol is highest and 2 capsules before training which is a total of 1600mg of Cissus a day. Which is below the recommended serving size. The serving size of Cissus in camphibolic is less than 1600mg. that leads us to conclude that Cissus heals at dose less then 1600mg. We are speculating that Cissus promotes and HEALS injury.

One subject reported:

“I used Cissus for one month at 1-3 grams per day. I have had a chronic
brachialis injury for more than a year. Cissus effectively removed the
pain comparable to a large dose of ibuprofin. After the month long
usage my arm injury has actually improved. It bothers me little to
none currently. The effects are very acute upon dosing in my
experience. About 30 min after a 600mg dose and the pain killing
effects are apparent. Two thumbs way up.”

Another reported:

“Joints – I don’t have any major problems here but always have had niggling complaints from heavy overhead pressing in particular. Well during my time using C-AMP I have rarely felt these at all. This is not the reason I used C-AMP but it was a nice bonus.”


I would like to tell you about my extraordinary results with your Cissus Quadrangularis product. I have been involved with martial arts training for many years, and I have collected my fair share of aches and pains along the way. After a long hiatus from training to start my own business, I decided to continue the Brazilian jiu-jitsu and mixed martial arts classes that I had come to enjoy in years prior. At first, my biggest obstacle was the usual task of getting back into shape. My stamina and my technique began to develop rapidly, but so did a completely unexpected problem. About 3 weeks into my training, I began to experience severe pain in my elbows after grappling workouts. My instructor immediately recognized the symptoms as tendonitis. Determined to battle my way through the problem, I continued my workouts. With each successive class, however, my tendonitis became more severe and the duration of the symptoms increased as well. By the end of training class, I would have to ice my elbows for 20 minutes before I could grip the steering wheel of my car well enough to drive myself home. It was just about that time that I found my way to your website forum and read the cycle log of a veteran rock climber. He explained how the symptoms of a previous injury had abated while taking your camphibolic product. It was theorized that the Cissus Quadrangularis within this product might be responsible for the alleviation of his painful condition. With that in mind, and a quick bit of study on my own, I decided to contact Synergy and see if I could purchase the Cissus by itself. Not only was Synergy more than willing to honor my request, but I found myself in possession of the Cissus in less than a week! With a healthy dose of skepticism, I returned to training at a reduced frequency and with the aid of my new “secret weapon”. I cannot tell you how incredibly shocked I was as my symptoms began to disappear with each passing day. In one week, I was almost completely symptom free! Even as I began to increase the frequency and duration of my training, the Cissus kept pace with my workload. That’s a stark contrast to the previous week when I was unable to drive myself home. Cissus Quadrangularis was nothing short of a “home run” for me, and I have already recommended this amazing product to many others for the healing of stubborn tendonitis.

Best Regards,

This is a truly a phenomenal in healing. In today’s market, There is not a product that HEALS tendon related injuries. The world has been medicating itself to death just to kill pain. Really folks, the pharmaceutical industry is not in the business of HEALING. They a financial conglomerate who’s main focus is to make money…lots of it! Money is not in the CURE but in RETRUN SALES. So enough ranting about a corrupt system that controls government’s activity. As we postulate, Cissus RX is healing and not just killing pain….as the commercial says “PRICELESS.” In any event, Cissus RX will be priced to sell!

We are not claiming it works for everyone but it works! This is a PATENT PENDING product which special cultivation methods. There is no doudt in our minds that many companies will try replicate, but the secret lies in cultivation methods.

Presale begins March 21, 2005 and shipping starts March 28 2005.


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Being one of the subjects mentioned above (suffering from chronic lifting and sports related lateral epicondylitis) I felt compelled to chime in here and let readers know just how effective Cissus RX was in my case. Virtually my entire adult life I have been involved in some activity that is hard on the elbow tendons: rock climbing, banging nails during summers to work my way through college, lifting, jiu jitsu, and now fencing. I'm still banging nails, but now working for myself remodelling homes for resale.

I've taken months off at a time to let the tendons heal, been good to go for a while, and then it always comes back. I've used DMSO, Deca, corticocosteroid injections from my orthopedic surgeon, you name it. Always with long frustrating periods of inactivity allowing it to recover.

With the discovery of Cissus, everything has changed. I can take Cissus RX and continue my activities. And the weight gain reported above was lean body mass, as determined by calipers, not fat mass, attesting to the anabolic as well as healing properties of Cissus RX.

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With the discovery of Cissus, everything has changed. I can take Cissus RX and continue my activities. And the weight gain reported above was lean body mass, as determined by calipers, not fat mass, attesting to the anabolic as well as healing properties of Cissus RX.

Nandi, did this actually heal or help reduce the pain associated with your elbow injuries?

i have real bad nagging elbow pain that has been affecting the strength of the lifts big time. i cannot lift as heavy as i used to on my chest. As soon as i try to lift heavy on chest my elbows start hurting like mofo's.

am intrigued by the claims of this supplement. it would be wishful thinking if this supp could help my elbow so that i can start gaining strenght back on my chest lifts.

Appreciate your feedback on how your pain has been helped by this supp.

by the way i already take MSM 3000 Mg a day and glucosamine and Chondritin 1500 mg each every day, that has not helped much


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now if it would just work for carpal tunnel syndrome......


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Nandi, did this actually heal or help reduce the pain associated with your elbow injuries?

In my case it seemed to heal the tendon since I was able to quit the Cissus and the pain did not come back immediately, as when ibuprofen wears off. But not being too bright, I started training hard again and the pain returned, so now I'm back on the Cissus. I have suffered with this for so long that I've likely got many scar tissue adhesions.

If a person were to use Cissus at the onset of tendenitis, I suspect the results would be longer lasting if not permanent.

I've always been skeptical of chiropractors, but I think I will break down and try active release therapy now that orthopedic surgeons seem to be recommending it for some patients.

JB, have you tried active release for your carpal tunnel?

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no. I have heard a lot about it but my ct is one of those on again off again so have never been forced to act on it. When it strikes i strap on my wrist braces and go light until it goes away. THe nearest practioner i could find is about 30 miles away, is it an extensive treatment protocol?

And my apologies to usp labs for hijacking the thread. Just a note, i am convinced and will be trying some of the cissus rx, like nandi i have chronic tendon issues with both elbows ( le) and shoulders.


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wow, i think Nandi, i had talked about ART long time ago,

i too had gone to one of the Chiro's who specialized in sports injuries, He too practiced ART.

According to him the problem with my elbows was that i had scar tissue formation on my tricep muscle, which being less elastic than the muscle itself, leads to pulling on elbows, which causes pain.

What he did was give me therapy twice a week with his thumbs trying to break up the scar tissue which would eventually cure the pain.

but went to him for 6 weeks and then got tired of the visits since it did not help much. i guess it takes months of therapy to cure it

will try Cissus, but i'm positive that even if it helps me it will be helping just the pain , wont cure it.

nandi, please keep us posted with your experience of ART.

thats my ealier post ..

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is this supplement legal to buy?

" Bring the Pain"

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Sounds like a very worthwhile supplement. Is the fat burning effect non stimulant?

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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The fat burning effect is probably secondary to the anabolic effect. It has antiglucocorticoid action as well as plant sterol related anabolic action. Many AAS work in part by blocking cortisol; this is the main method of Cissus's action, according to the research. When muscle is added, fat is typically burned to support the metabolic requirements of the added muscle.

Cissus is legal, but G*d only knows in this climate how long anything will remain legal. I hear from reliable sources in the supplement industry that aromatase inhibitors like formestane are next on the hit list. (My apologies as well for diverting the thread away from its original theme.)

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supaman above says he noticed the effects of cissus about 30 mins after taking, can anyone else confirm this, as fast acting?


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its badass!! I just made a post about it and tight vs. ephedriine

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Sounds like this product is profoundly Anabolic via it's action regulating Cortisol.

I am on HRT, and like to go off once a year. It's always a delicate time of trying to maintain with low test levels, not training to hard etc.

In the past I've used P.S. with adequate results, Remeron also helps.

In your opinion does this product "blunt" Cortisol effectively enough to really be a true Anti-Catabolic, and therefore Anabolic?

I've been trying to come up with a very effective, Anti-catabolic regimen while off HRT.

Sounds promising!

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Also since Nandi you pointed out that Cissus might be Androgenic to a certain extent.
that makes me wonder if it might affect hair follicles.. It might sound kind of stupid but is very important for me at this point since i am about 4 months post -operative Hair transplant surgery.

Dont want to take anything that is tough on my follicles when they are trying to start sprouting.

thanks for the input

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I have tried ART with no luck as well. Curious how long it took for people to start feeling the effects of Cissus Rx

