capsaicin and fat l...
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capsaicin and fat loss

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sounds like this along with yohimbine would be the ticket.


J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2007 Apr;53(2):124-32.
Alterations of autonomic nervous activity and energy metabolism by capsaicin ingestion during aerobic exercise in healthy men.Shin KO, Moritani T.
Laboratory of Applied Physiology, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan.

We investigated whether capsaicin ingestion (150 mg) enhances substrate oxidation associated with thermogenic sympathetic activity as an energy metabolic modulator without causing prolongation of the cardiac OT interval during aerobic exercise in humans. Ten healthy males [24.4 (4.3) y] volunteered for this study. The cardiac autonomic nervous activities evaluated by means of heart rate variability of power spectral analysis, energy metabolism, and ECG QT interval were continuously measured during 5-min rest and 30-min exercise at 50% of maximal ventilatory threshold (50% VT(max)) on a stationary ergometer with placebo or capsaicin oral administration chosen at random. The results indicated that there were no significant differences in heart rate during rest or exercise between the two trials. Autonomic nervous activity increased in the capsaicin tablet trial during exercise, but the difference did not reach statistical significance. Capsaicin, however, significantly induced a lower respiratory gas exchange ratio [0.92 (0.02) vs. 0.94 (0.02), means (SE), p < 0.05] and higher fat oxidation [0.17 (0.04) vs. 0.12 (0.04) g/min, means (SE), p < 0.05] during exercise. On the other hand, the data on the cardiac OT interval showed no significant difference, indicating that oral administration of capsaicin did not cause any adverse effect on cardiac depolarization-repolarization. In conclusion, it may be considered that capsaicin consumption 1 h before low intensity exercise (50% VT(max)) is a valuable supplement for the treatment of individuals with hyperlipidemia and/or obesity because it improves lipolysis without any adverse effects on the cardiac depolarization and repolarization process.

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I also seen a number of studies that show Capsaicin is good for the stomach lining and kills some harmful intestinal parasites that are resistant to certain antibotics.

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That's one hell of a boost to fat oxidation they found in the study, but I ran a search and didn't find Capsaicin being sold as a supplement.

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Posts: 175

The cayenne pepper is the primary source of this. It is referred to as capsicum but it is also called capsaicin, so snag a cheap bottle of the cayenne pepper capsules and you will be good to go. Most people think that it will aggravate an ulcer but in fact it will heal them!

