attention: those wi...
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attention: those with low hdl

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Low hdl is a chronic problem for anabolic users and we have discussed many possible solutions. it turns out that for otc purposed there is only one effective treatment: niacin. and i do not mean flush free niacin!

In the medical community the prescription drug of choice has been niaspan, a form of extended release niacin usually taken at night at doses up to 3grams. the usual effective dose varies but is around 2grams/night. it is commonly taken with 81mg aspirin to cut down on flushing and positive heart benefits. the er niacin seems to be preferred over plain niacin although the plain niacin seems to be more effective at a given dose with fewer side effects except for flushing. The VA (veterans admin) has recently adopted a policy substituting an otc medication "slo-niacin" for niaspan. while slo-niacin does not have as good a safety profile as niaspan and is not as effective it is hundreds of dollars a month cheaper than niaspan (and of course otc! ) keep in mind when taking any niacin product you should get blood tests pre and post since elevated liver enzymes are common. the commonly accepted max dose of slo-niacin is 1500mg/night.

for those that can tolerate the flushing, straight up niacin may been the answer, tid starting at a low dose, say 100mg and working up to an effective level. aspirin taken with the niacin mediates the flushing but can lead to gastro side effects. talking with your doctor about this should be a priority.

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Niacin can aggravate allergies however by upregulating histamine production. This was so severe in my case that I had to cease using it. Taking a aspirin with your niacin decreases the flushing effect.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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if you take the niacin at night, could you take it with a benadryl to limit the histamine trouble? Potential help with getting to sleep, quick system clearance, and I seem to remember a thread discussing the posibility of it lowering stim tollerance (ie making them more effective).

For niacin, I take 2g/night and actually quite like the scalp burning feeling.

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

Doxylamine is an OTC sleep med that is also a very good anti-histamine. Taking niacin at night with it may help.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)
