Albuterol Effective...
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Albuterol Effectiveness

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I've been taking Albuterol for about 5 days now, and haven't really been seeing much of an effect... I'm hoping JGUNS can chime in here... let me explain.

I just finished up with a halo/orastan (clones) cycle, and wanted to use Alb/Keto for Dec/Jan to cut down until Feb, when I'm going to run another PH cycle.

I tolerate stims pretty well, but I can tell when I've taken ephedrine. I haven't been taking anything that should down-reg beta2 receptors recently (within the last month), but I do take 2 200mg caffine pills before working out 5 days/week. I don't feel jittery or anything after the caffine, heck it may even be placebo effect, but I think it makes my workouts more intense.

I started the Alb out at 2 mg, didn't notice anything much, so I tried 4 mg, still nada, so I went to a 5, 5, 6 protocol (to get my 16mg/day) - taking the 6 about an hour before my workout.

I was eating 3000-3500 cal/day while on, but am now droping to around 2200-2500 cal/day (I weigh 230lbs @ ~16 % bf)... and am adding in 3x/wk cardio.

I've got a buddy doing clen, and he's indicated that he's getting jitters from it; which is kinda what I was expecting from the Alb.

My questions are:

1) Should I be getting some jittery type sides with the Alb? Or maybe I just tolerate it really well? I'm wondering if I need to increase dosage? I'm taking 1mg of Keto/day... (for it's own sake, the sleep aid, plus the upreg)

2) I know that Alb has anabolic effects, and is good for your lipid profile, and Keto block TNF-alpha, so these are good PCT-time supps; however, how "anabolic" are these two together? As good as a halodrol PH cycle? as good as some good CEE?

3) Is this combo that effective at fat-burning by itself, or should I really be looking to add t3 to the mix?

I've poked around about T3, but my biggest concern is the amount of time it takes for natural production to resume; I've read the T3 tapering thread in the vault; my question is if you follow that dosing schedule, by the time you are down to .5/day, is your natural production making up the difference? I don't want to spend 6 weeks getting lean and then 2 weeks getting fat 😉

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I guess this:

Answers my T3 supression question; although, it raises muscle catabolism concerns...

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bump, anyone?
What's the highest Albuterol dosage folks have tried?
Does th anabolic/ anti-catabolic effects of Alubutrol counter-effect the catabolic effects of T3?

The following article suggests that one can go as high as 24mg/day with Alb:

Although this QnA article (down the bottom) suggests Alb is dramatically inferior to clen for fat loss, oddly enough:

Where you at JGUNS? Hook a brother up... 🙂

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guns is not around much. I would up the dose until you feel it (within reason) I have tried the cem Albuterol but discontinued it due to typical sides. i do not do ephedrine for the same reason forget clen, too many side effects.

