About to start PH's...
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About to start PH's (first time)

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I'm thinking about starting to use prohormones in the next few weeks. I am thinking about using 1-AD and cycling it with just four weeks on and then off perhaps permanately. Instead of posting many threads, I just put my questions into one thread. I have some questions before I make my decision.

1) What is the best prohormone to use in order to gain lean muscle mass?

2) Is my four week cycle adequate? Or should I change it?

3) What brand is the best to use as far as being most effective and where should I go to get the cheapest price?

4) I know there are some side effects with prohormones...such as breast development, shrinkage in testicles, hairloss, becoming sterile, high temper...etc.
-Are these side effects likely if I just use it for a four week cycle?
-Are the side effects temporary or permanent?

5) What type of results am I looking at gaining from PH's? ... With four week cycle?

6) Currently I have noticed some thinning of hair and slight hairloss...if I take Propecia at the same time as taking a prohormone such as 1-AD would there be any complications? Would I prevent any hairloss that might occur from taking 1-AD?

Thanks for helping me out. I appreciate your advice/suggestions. Just to let you know I have done some reading up on this topic and did some searches.

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I dont know much about PH, but i dont think the sideeffects can measure op to the gains, why not just start a mild cycle instead ( 300-500mg of test or EQ or deca).

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project; The best legal product, in my opinion, is not a prohormone, but a prosteroid. It would be 1test transdermally. The manufacturer is Avant Labs. However they are no longer allowed to make it. It is still available on the internet with the best price (that I see) at 1fast400s site.
Four weeks at a rate of 6 squirts twice daily will be an excellent cycle. Keep in mind that your training must be excellent along with your diet and rest. Otherwise you're just wasting your time and money.
Regarding side effects, you'll probably notice lethargy within a week or two. You may break out. I mean just about every possible side effect has been mentioned before. Most of the side effects are transient however nobody knows the long term effect of these products.
I did two four week cycles last year and gained 15 and then 11 pounds. Keep in mind that you will need post cycle therapy to bring your natural test production back up to normal so you don't lose too much of your gain.
Regarding hairloss, sorry, I don't know. I've got a thick head of it and didn't notice any problems while on.


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Any PH or steroid that you do thats worth a damn will cause your balls to shrink. Suck it up and get over it they will come back later. The reason they shrink is because you are introducing all this extra test into your system so they stop producing test of their own. Bump for the recomendation of Avant's products. Go to 1fast400.com and order a bottle of Super One+. Get it fast while its still available because it won't be for long. You should see good gains from that. Definatley get some 6-OXO or something similar for afterwards though to bring up natural test.

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Propecia will not offer assurance with either 1AD or 1-Test. The compound itself could aggravate the receding hair-line, and somehow, although by how unknown there is DHT conversion. This conversion is not via 5AR, of which enzyme Propecia acts against.

That said, this you can avoid, you can take your chances, assuming the latter, you may wish to use a topical Spironolactone preparation.

Don't know if you guys have ever posted scalp preparations such as these, so if not I'll find a good link.


I know there are some side effects with prohormones...such as breast development, shrinkage in testicles, hairloss, becoming sterile, high temper...etc.
-Are these side effects likely if I just use it for a four week cycle?
-Are the side effects temporary or permanent?

It depends on the PH, just as like with all Steroids. Gyno hasn't happened with 1AD or 1-Test. It doesn't aromatize although there are of course other factors in gyno. With 4-Diol, I gather if someone used an obscene amount this is possible, however I haven't seen full-blown gyno happen in anyone save those who've already had some preexisting condition (in which case 4-Diol exacerbated it).

So it's definitely possible, although not likely. Some do notice "puffy" and itchy nipples which usually subside after use. If this you notice, then make us of an anti-E or anti-aromatase.

Testicle shrinkage was already covered. They'll return, yes. If you lose some hair, that may not.

You won't become permanently sterile. Some do become more aggressive with 4-Diol, but generally in a good way. 1-Test as said can induce various state of languor.


On a side-note, I don't know from where some of you get these notions "the side-effects won't measure up to the gains". You assess each substance, not the category as a whole. I guess if I lose my hair using Tren, Deca must be a bad hormone, correct. If I gain little to nothing by the way of size with Halotestin, I garner Anadrol won't be a good bulking agent, right. If I drink Test Suspension, and from that nothing comes, I guess Testosterone is worthless.

A matter of context, that being the substance and the delivery method in question. Not a flame, just a tangent.

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If I drink Test Suspension, and from that nothing comes, I guess Testosterone is worthless

Good analogy. I was down on all PHs until I used SuperOne+.

Now I know there is at least one that works.

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thanks for the good info...keep it coming...

How does this sound?

begin my first stack of a four week cycle of a topical nordiol like Noraderm combined with 1, or 4 andro (300-600mg daily.)
post cycle: pick up a couple
bottles of 6oxo and start with 600mg a day for the first 2 weeks, and drop it down to 400mg the next week, and finally 300mg.

while on cycle: probably train 4 days a week and eat
4-5k calories a day depending on bodyweight, and 1.5-2g of protein

off cycle: Increase calories ~500 and decrease training volume.

What should by split look like? Do I need to hit my muscles harder while on cycle? Should I emphasize more on the muscles where i want to gain the mass?

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If I were you I would just use super one+. I had really good results with that. While your on it you should up workout frequency. How much it should increase depends on how you do it now.

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Cycle length: I like 4 weeks, though for a first timer planning to do future cycles, I'd do 6, so you can assess for yourself whether the extra 2 weeks brings worthwhile gains.

Post Cycle: You don't need 6-oxo for that long, 2 weeks is more than enough for a 4 week cycle. Kcals need not be bumped higher, if you have a sufficient kcal level while on.

Training: Volume and intensity or frequency, or both should be significantly increased. While on One+, my recovery was unbelievable.

PHs: I have tried a Nor product yet, but if I were you, I'd either do a One, or One+ cycle, and buy a bottle of Super One+, for my next cycle. Perhaps save the NorAderm for another time. I'll get around to it eventually myself.

BTW, hey Rhaf, good to see you here.

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what type of side effects are there with the one+, super one+ cycles?

since i am a first timer i thought i would take an easier/safer route and see what type of results i gain.

this may sound kinda of stupid, but can i still take my other supplements like whey protein, weight gainer, multis, and creatine?


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1) As discussed, thoroughly, above.

2) Of course.

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BTW, hey Rhaf, good to see you here.

