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Zero Appetite

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I've been going through a tremendous amount of stress as of late, with the passing of my dad and my fiance dumping me the weekend he passed. Prior to that my stress was job related and due to clinical depression.

I've lost alot of weight due to not eating and i'd like to know what would boost my appetite back up.

Thoughts i've had are using

Ketotifen Fumurate
b12 injections

My stomach is hungry but i'm not if that makes sense..

ANY other ideas? This is getting pretty serious, thanks

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i think you have hit the major recommendations. have you tried them yet. have you also continued to workout. there is no better stress reducer than a good workout even if you have to force yourself to do. I guarantee it!

without bodybuilding i would have become a mindless drunk long long ago!


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Ontime...I have had similar stress hit me in my life before...and I don't think there is any drug out there that will help you.

I honestly believe that as crazy as it sounds, to listen to Tony Robbins type stuff, read as much as you can on those type things, to better get your mind off of the wrong things and get back to track on the right things.

I was close to getting married last year when I found out that my woman was playing me for another guy...all over money. Totally fucking manipulated me. She left me for the other guy who made more money...but he played her as well...and she was left out in the cold begging to come back to me. I never talked to that bitch again. I also realized that in the long run she would have never made me happy. The short term pain it induced was not fun, but imagine going forever like that or having more at stake.

Information that Tazmaniac presents is totally fictitious in nature and is presented for role playing purposes only. The opinions presented do not encourage the use of illegal substances nor take the place of professional medical advice.

Death gotta be easy, cause life is'll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred~50 Cent

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And by the way...this was after being mentally/emotionally crushed and losing about 40 pounds because I could not eat.

Information that Tazmaniac presents is totally fictitious in nature and is presented for role playing purposes only. The opinions presented do not encourage the use of illegal substances nor take the place of professional medical advice.

Death gotta be easy, cause life is'll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred~50 Cent

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JB i havent given those a go as of yet but at this point I have no choice. I'm down to 159lbs at 6'2 from 200 3 months ago. I'll give all that a shot and hope that helps a bit. Truth be told since these things started happening to me I haven't touched a weight. But I know what I need to do now....just have to do it.

Taz so you know exactly where i'm coming from, interesting you mentioned anthony robbins. I went to a seminar of his back in 01 which was for 3 days. After that I didn't do anything with it.
I think i'll download some of his stuff and start listening to it again, it made sense back then and hopefully it will now. As you know when your in a major funk nothing seems to make sense and you just feel like a rabbit falling in a never ending hole. I have my paws out trying to slow down the process hence my posting.

Thanks for the feedback gents thus far.

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i have been in situations where i never knew what tomorrow would bring, with things happening in my life that threatened my family, my business, my life as i knew it. i was desperately trying to see a way to rid myself of that constant feeling in the pit of my stomach and black cloud over me. i channeled all that angst into my workouts and cardio, losing weight, getting ripped up. every rep, every mile was one thing that i earned and was mine clear from doubt and a reaffirmation of my own self-worth. ALong with that i just did what i had to do to get thru.

having lost that much weight you have to take immediate steps to get some high density calories into your body asap!


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EQ works for me also IBE has a new product sorry forget the name.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Ontime, hang in there man. I know it sucks but that's life. God knows I've had more than my fair share of absolute shit and it doesn't seem to get much easier.

There was a time when I was so depressed and lost so much weight that I became clinically anorexic, had almost no friends, no girlfriend, and no family around to help. I honestly don't know how I made it, but I slowly kept building up, even though setbacks kept coming up and tripping me.

Don't get me wrong... my life is FAR from perfect or even ideal as of now..... but I always seem to be reaching higher and higher peaks.

It's the hardest and most irrational thing in the world to force ourselves to feel good when we feel like absolute shit.... but when you boil it down, we find that all we have is our selves.

Hang in there. Trust me, you're not alone. PM me if you need to.

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Of all of those, Ketotifen is the only one I'd reccomend, the others did nothing for me.

However it may have an effect on seratonin, (not sure), but periactin made me very hungry, yet very depressed, and if your feeling bad that is the last thing you want.

I would start a course of test too, as with all the stress your natural levels are probably in the toilet, which will make you feel even worse.

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The other guys hit the nail on the head... Best of luck man. Keep your head up and you know we're all here to support each other. Break ups suck as I broke up with my girlfriend of 7 years a while ago.. Its hard but you'll pull through. Keep yourself surrounded by positive people. One thing that helped me was to try and stay busy and get out as much. For me I couldn't get it off my mind when I would be sitting around the house. Working out is obviously a major mental health booster. Keep at it in the gym - it helps!

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Guys thanks so much for your comments....
this is so much more then just adding a sup to eat again.

It's in my mind with my girlfriend/ex-girlfriend which is one in the same.

I am slowly commiting suicide in a very insidious way. I'm just not adams apple is showing now and my hips are starting to hurt. I have absolutely almost no energy to do anything.

I feel like I should be in a nuthouse for real. No insurance though.

This is the worst emotional pain I have ever suffered, to be completely honest with you I would rather have my knees crushed at the sides with a heavy hammer such as used by "cathy bates" in that movie that I just can't come up with right now. At least that pain would eventually subside and I would heal to an extent.

I'd say i'm down to about 149 lbs at 6'2

I've been on self imposed HRT going on 4 yrs straight. I've been running approx 200mg test enan that whole time every week.

Do i need to up my dosages to assist with this massive depression I have been having as of late? I've always been depressed but now its debilating. I initally started Testosterone to combat depression in the first place as all the SSRI's I have taken in the past "prior to the test four years ago"have had sides like NO APPETITE and never really helped elevate my mood.

This girl really has got a hold on me and I just can't shake it. People say your to good for her, people say fuck her and leave, people say you could have any girl you wanted. But nooone of that makes any sense because my esteem is so completely distroyed I don't think I could ever get another lady again. A healthy lady mentally spiritually and intellectually.

The girl i'm dealing with now is a narcicist and a control freak.
She has been in relationships in the past where she was beaton and emotionally abused. So much so that one time when i was at her house and picked the remote up to change the channel when she was in the bathroom that when she came back and saw the remote in my hand she would give me the silent treatment.

Found out a few days later that her ex-husband never let her hold the remote control while they were together....

I feel like a fish to her, she reels me in when she sees that i'm becoming distant. When she reels me in and i feel better about the relationship then she lets the line go again and i'm back out to sea.

This girl has done alot for me, i don't drive now due to dui's i had 6 years ago and she would come pick me up at my house take me back to her house we would sleep together in her bed and she would get up at 5am just to take me back to work. This was a fifteen mile drive each way.

I know there was a point that she cared, she spent 200 bucks on my birthday in mid september.

We have been having problems throughout this 3 month relationship, whenever i wanted to discuss anything with her it was always "Look i don't want to argue or I don't want to fight". Whenever I bring up something she doesn't want to discuss she just puts me on a "time out"

She likes to belittle me but just calls it jokes. Things like "you sit like a girl" If I cross my legs the "wrong" way.
She was looking at people magazine with me and her 16 year old daughter sitting there looking at pictures of Linsay Lohan when she was really really skinny. She tells me "If i put a dress on you you'd look just like her".
She likes to make "jokes" but they are not jokes they are belittling and demeaning.
Its obvious she has lost all respect for me at this point however she reels me back in when i back off.
What to do...

Sorry for the ramble just have to get this off my chest

I have Dependent Personality Disorder I know this because I fit all the signs here they are.....

Dependent Personality Disorder
What is Dependent Personality Disorder?
Quick Summary:
Dependent personality disorder is characterized by a need to be taken care of. People with this disorder tend to cling to people and fear losing them. They may become suicidal when a break-up is imminent. They tend to let others make important decisions for them and often jump from relationship to relationship. Dependents often remain in abusive relationships. Over-sensitivity to disapproval is common. Dependents often feel helpless and depressed.
Symptoms of Dependent Personality Disorder:
Difficulty making decisions
Feelings of helplessness when alone
Suicidal thoughts upon rejection
Deeply hurt by mild criticism or disapproval
Unable to meet ordinary demands of life

Thats me in a nutshell i'm sure I have other "disorders" as well but this one stands out big time.

I have to shut my phone OFF, because if I leave it on I obsess about the phone waiting for it to ring. I figure if I turn it off for awhile then when I turn it on there will be a message. Anybody else ever do that??

I've tried to help her, to let her know all throughout the relationship that I loved her and that she deserved to be loved but she could never drop those defenses to let me in completely.

She doesn't want to get hurt again is what it is....

Now i'm her cabana boy her whipping boy and voodoo doll. She dispels pain upon me via emotional abuse because she HATES one on one relationships with men. Her husbands beat her, she was beaton at a nite club last year by a stranger. So she has incredible amounts of resentments and pain now she puts it all on me.

Interestingly enough I read that if you give her exactly what she was getting from her abusers then she will want you???? Does that make any sense?

Sorry for the ramble i know this is the health and wellness section.

Any comments totally welcomed.

EDIT: I just reread all your postings again and it is helping me gain some type of perspective.

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Posted by: ontime34

I've been on self imposed HRT going on 4 yrs straight. I've been running approx 200mg test enan that whole time every week.

Interestingly enough I read that if you give her exactly what she was getting from her abusers then she will want you???? Does that make any sense?

I would up it to 400mg to start with, you feel like $hit, so you have nothing to lose, it will certainly not make you feel anyworse.

Sadly that may be true, but even so, it is no way to have a relationship, and would not be productive for either of you.

To me it sounds as if she is taking out all the pain from her prievious marriage on you, and getting her control back, by putting you down.

I have felt the pain of 'women' as I am sure most have, and it is worse than any physical pain. For me that lack of control and felling of helplessness was the worst, as I have some control issues.

Up the test, I dont like SSRI's either, try Welbutrin maybe? Up the test to a gram if you have it, why not, maybe it will spur you into the gym, and give you some focus?

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Posted by: Nytol2
I would up it to 400mg to start with, you feel like $hit, so you have nothing to lose, it will certainly not make you feel anyworse.

Sadly that may be true, but even so, it is no way to have a relationship, and would not be productive for either of you.

To me it sounds as if she is taking out all the pain from her prievious marriage on you, and getting her control back, by putting you down.

I have felt the pain of 'women' as I am sure most have, and it is worse than any physical pain. For me that lack of control and felling of helplessness was the worst, as I have some control issues.

Up the test, I dont like SSRI's either, try Welbutrin maybe? Up the test to a gram if you have it, why not, maybe it will spur you into the gym, and give you some focus?

I was feeling so low in fact Nytol that I went ahead and fired 125mg of Suspension for an immediate effect mentally. Then went ahead and fired 500mg of enan. I feel a bit better now, i'm not crying or wallowing or wanting to punch myself in the head due to the level of frustration i've had with this relationship and the depression that accompanies it. With the increase in test for awhile i'm hoping to keep a ever growing positive state of mind and hoping the appetite will come back as well.
I have a LONG way to go with this thing, i might wake up tommorow and feel like total shit again I don't know but time will tell. Thanks for the recomendation for increasing the test.
I had tried wellbutrin in the past actually was on it for about 2 years 6 years ago. I had no appetite on that either.

Everyone including you guys say to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE, I do have to do that because within the confines of my room is basically just a house of horrors of depression. Getting out is going to be a trying task but one that I will try to work on.

Maybe i just feel better cause my ex is texting me telling me she loves me and that she wants to be with me the rest of my life. Although i've heard this before from her.

I'll keep all updated.


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Not a single woman is worth sheding a tear related to what you said. Be strong bro, get another one, fuck her as much as you can and so on.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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you must eat! it will make you feel beter. you must get out of the house even if it is just for really brisk walking, it will help you process and make you feel better! If you have health insurance you should seek professional help! they can help you.


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