Ya know what I frig...
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Ya know what I friggin hate!!!

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the little pieces of trash in my gym who come with their hair all combed and gelled up and do there 20lb dumbell curls for 10 and leave the gym. Plus they do chest and biceps, monday and tuesday and usually take the rest of the week off. then, THIS IS WHAT I HATE, have the nerve to look at someone whos big and looks good and say "if i took roids id be as big and strong as him too!" No you wouldnt god damn it, because the bottom line is you dont get that way just from gear alone. These guys, including myself, bust their asses 5-6 days a week in this place, hitting EVERY muscle group, eating right, resting and doing this shit right. I mean, i looked better then them longggg before i decided to touch gear. Man, I am pissed. I really think I am going to knock one of these little shits on their boney asses tomorrow. I bet they are doing chest, LOL. You guys know what i am saying?

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yeah, i know exactly what you mean. The other day this kid that I know found out somehow that I was juicin, he starts criticizing me and telling all this shit about how I'm insecure or something. I wanted to punch this asshole, while this kid is telling me all this, he doesn't bother to criticize himself about all the alchol and vicodin the shit head eats. What a moron!

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if they dont get in your way then why the fuck do you give a damn? i dont give a rats ass what others do in the gym, I just concentrate on my own workout.

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Why the fuck do you care so much? If you get that worked up about something that has nothing to do with you you've got some serious issues. Originally posted by juice1348 the little pieces of trash in my gym who come with their hair all combed and gelled up and do there 20lb dumbell curls for 10 and leave the gym. Plus they do chest and biceps, monday and tuesday and usually take the rest of the week off. then, THIS IS WHAT I HATE, have the nerve to look at someone whos big and looks good and say "if i took roids id be as big and strong as him too!" No you wouldnt god damn it, because the bottom line is you dont get that way just from gear alone. These guys, including myself, bust their asses 5-6 days a week in this place, hitting EVERY muscle group, eating right, resting and doing this shit right. I mean, i looked better then them longggg before i decided to touch gear. Man, I am pissed. I really think I am going to knock one of these little shits on their boney asses tomorrow. I bet they are doing chest, LOL. You guys know what i am saying?

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bro, when you see it EVERY DAY for years, trust me, it starts to get on your nerves. I just now felt like venting. Yeah, I also love the pot head, coke snorting, pill addicts and drink every night and criticize you for doing what you are doing, hahaha. Its got to make you laugh.

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ive calmed down a little, but it still pisses me off.

Dirk Diggler
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That's ok though, the way I see it, thier bodies look silly with some pec's and bi's and nothing else! I'm sure the women on the beaches think that they look strange too! These guys are not in it for hte long haul and will never look good!

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Originally posted by Ripxtide Why the fuck do you care so much? If you get that worked up about something that has nothing to do with you you've got some serious issues. exactly

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My solution for for them is two fold. First, I do a few sets around them with real weight just to let them know that they are weak pussies. Second, if they get the balls to look my way, I give a look that says "I'll fucking bust your head open real quick bitch!" Maybe I'm going over board here, but what the hell. If they would just know their role in the first place, all the problems could be avoided.

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we were all there at one point or another.....

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na, thats not true bro. not like that.

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Originally posted by the double M we were all there at one point or another..... ..... except for the part of looking pretty, gelling our hair and going to the gym.......

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Sounds like that cycle is kicking in real good now juice1348, lol. Focus that energy on your own workout bro, don't let that shit get to you. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go wash the gel out of my hair, lol. J/K.

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LOL alright bro, glad we got that cleared up.... Next time you see them doing something wrong, give them some advice, or tell them to follow your same workout routine for accouple times, and see if they learn something.

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