Working Out on DNP....
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Working Out on DNP...

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I've scratched the Anavar/t3/Clen, and I'm going to start a low dosage (200mg) cycle of DNP, for as long as I can take it. Most likely, around a month or so. I plan to throw some 400mg days in there too, along the way. I know a lot of you have done these cycles. I'm not sure what to expect, as far as how I'll feel. Out of curiousity, how much cardio did you guys manage to do per week, at what duration? That's about all that really concerns me. I can bite the bullet, as far as the weights go... but sweating, upon cardio sweat... heh, not sure what of that I'll be able to handle. Just like to hear some input. Thanks.

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When im on DNP, the cardio seems to be no problem at all. Its the weights that kick my energy or intesity with the weights....

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i was wondering how people felt while working out on DNP

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Alright. I'll spend the better part of this weekend, and next getting mentally prepared for this. I'm psyched now, gonna be crying like a girl soon I bet. But I want rid of these last lbs, and they are coming off. Wish me luck. I may even put a post up, if anyone's interested... just another journal addition to the archive here. And just a thought. I was reading some of the posts, and monte - you said fruit was excellent while on DNP, in moderate amount of course. Sal, ever do an apple before the weights? That seems to work for me even while not on DNP. I don't know the effects while on, but worth a try perhaps, to cure some lethargy?

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heh, does it work? And lack of sides? Disappointed I won't be. 😀
