I 've done it many times, but every now and then I'll get to feeling different after the shot. Symptoms such as nervousness, jolting awake when asleep, leg numbness on side of glute inj., dizziness when moving around. That's about it. I did a shot two hours ago and feel like that now. So any one have any comments? Is there any risk at all when doing glute injections? I aspirate and everything. Inj. site is upper-outer quadrant of both glutes.:confused2
And not to mention...tingly skin.
maybe its anxiety.
A weird thing happens when I inject too. I get bigger and stronger. Very weird!
Originally posted by littlewilly A weird thing happens when I inject too. I get bigger and stronger. Very weird! That is extremely wierd, what the hell could it be??:D
I don't feel that bad in someway but I have like.. numbness in lower back.. and the ache sort of shoots out to leg and back... and the soreness of course.. sometimes it goes away very fast.. sometimes it lasts for almost a week! and sometimes the pain doesn't show up until a few days AFTER injection... kinda weird
Sounds like anxiety, you will be suprised how those symptoms will disappear once you accept them 😎
Anxiety. Go read up on anxiety; you'll be surprised by how many effects anxiety can have on the body.
U are doing your glute shots wrong. Its upper right for the right cheek and lower left for the left cheek. What are u shooting?
lower left?? wtf?? upper left maybe?? (for left cheek)