WHY Anavar is NOT t...
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WHY Anavar is NOT toxic to the liver

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Posted by: Realgains

Good point BC and JB.........

IMHO it's the dose and duration that is key, in the healthy liver.

My wife can take 15-20 of Var a day for 3 months and have no change in her liver or lipid panels.

I think low dose anavar is very safe BUT none of us men would ever take such a little dose as it wouldn't do much if anything more than or own test levels.

Male doses of anavar need tol be at least 40-50mg a day in my opinion and at that dose I wouldn't be 'on' for longer than 8 weeks.

But you know with all the 17aa free gear out there why do we men take Var at all? I know that it is great for the ladies, at low dose, but don't you think a mild non toxic steroid like EQ is a much better choice for men that anavar?

gee I would sooner take 400 of EQ a week then 40 of Var per day.

In fact dare I say that EQ is the best steroid for man...males at least..when we are weighing gains to sides that is.


One of the very best cycles that I've had in recent years was a test/eq/anavar cycle that lasted with 26 weeks, moderate doses of each and blood tests every six weeks or so. The only drastic changes as noted by bloodwork was a drastic drop in lipids including hds, but the ldl to hdl ratio remained in acceptable limits.

I did not gain much mass but strength was very high and I attained a very lean and vascular look, which, was my goal. I took liver supps advoided alcohol and pain meds.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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