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Who makes the better Primobolan?

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Who has taken axio and scherings primobolan? Which seems to be better or are they about the same? Strength, injection pain, etc...Axio's seems to be a little cheaper but if Scherings is better, cleaner I would spend the extra $. Any info would be great, thx

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i used the schering primo once and it was awesome, i also used the old BD version and it too was awesome, never used axio but know a few dudes who have and said it was well worth the money..but since i never used axio primo personally i would say schering but all axio products are damn good as well

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Ok so heres what I want to do. I want to put together a cycle for cutting/hardening only. Ive never done this. What should I add to Primo depot? Winstrol, D-bol, or Turanabol? Also with a light cycle like this should I still add a small Test dose? If I order 20 vials of the schering and take 2 cc a week that will last me about 10weeks. I could stack that with oral winny or oral d-bol. So would 200mg per week be enough? along with say 30mg per day winstrol or 20mg per day d-bol (or 20mg per day turanabol)

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Posted by: BigMC
Ok so heres what I want to do.I want to put together a cycle for cutting/hardening only.Ive never done this.What should I add to Primo depot? Winstrol, D-bol, or Turanabol?Also with a light cycle like this should I still add a small Test dose?If I order 20 vials of the schering and take 2 cc a week that will last me about 10weeks.I could stack that with oral winny or oral d-bol.So would 200mg per week be enough?along with say 30mg per day winstrol or 20mg per day d-bol (or 20mg per day turanabol)

No, 400mg min.

El Mucho
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I've used Primobolan with no Test, low Test, and a lot of Test in a cycle. I figured that because it's such a weak steroid that it would be okay to run it without Testosterone, but it made me feel pretty shitty emotionally. It didn't really make me feel aggressive, it made me feel really frustrated and a little depressed most of the time. Running it with only 200-250mg of Test was the best for me. It did take away some of the bloat when I ran it with 500mg of Test, but I just felt and looked awesome when I ran it with 250mg of Test E.

I'd either do 250mg of Primobolan and 125mg of Test Enanthate twice a week, or I'd go with 100mg of Primobolan and 50-100mg of Test Prop everyday or every other day. The best oral to run with it would definitely be Anavar, but Turinabol would be my second choice and Winstrol would work great, but I hate Winstrol. A good Primobolan cycle really just comes down to how much money you're willing to spend, because it's the only steroid where I agree with the idea of 'the more you use, the better the results'.

El Mucho
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Seeing how you want to use small doses of gear, here's what I'd recommend. 200mg of Primo isn't going to do crap unless you're a female bodybuilder. I've tried 200mg of Primo for 10 weeks and I think I would of gotten the same results from a bottle of Trim Spa.

Weeks 1-8: 50mg Test Prop every other day
Weeks 1-8: 25mg Proviron everyday

That's it. Add in all the PCT stuff and that's all I'd do. Just increase the amount of Test Prop if you want more muscle gains, but I wouldn't go any lower than 50mg every other day. I'm in love with Testosterone now because I've fully realized that it is the only steroid that does everything, and it's the easiest steroid in terms of controlling side effects. Using moderate amounts of it helps me burn a lot of fat while gaining a little muscle, and using higher amounts of it helps me gain a lot of muscle while burning a little fat; and it gives me enormous long lasting pumps no matter what dose I use. Not to mention that it's usually the cheapest steroid you can find.

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200mgs of primo is more of a bridge than a cycle bud, i would run 500-600 preferably, those are the doses i got the best results from
