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Which is more likely to give bad ide effects Tren 75 or Dbol?

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Which of the two is more likely to give you bad side effects and which one is worse for you period?

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Well with the progesterone induced gyno, insomnia, night sweats, high aggression, acne, lowered t-3 levels, low sex drive, and possible tren cough I'd say that Tren has a few more side effects. But so does D-bol and any other AAS. D-bol is recommended for 1st time users because it's side effects are pretty tolerable. Being that D-bol is a 17aa Oral it places stress on the liver and used in high doses for too long can be liver toxic. D-bol causes water retention where Tren holds VERY little water. D-bol has an anabolic rating of 90 and an androgenic of 40 where Tren has an anabolic rating of 500 and an androgenic rating of 500 being one of the most powerful and potent injectable steroids.

That's a brief comparison between the two but to really help, you should probably let us know what your goals are and also post your cycle so we can let you know which to use for what your trying to achieve.

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Posted by: tylernus
Well with the progesterone induced gyno, insomnia, night sweats, high aggression, acne, lowered t-3 levels, low sex drive, and possible tren cough I'd say that Tren has a few more side effects.But so does D-bol and any other AAS.D-bol is recommended for 1st time users because it's side effects are pretty tolerable.Being that D-bol is a 17aa Oral it places stress on the liver and used in high doses for too long can be liver toxic.D-bol causes water retention where Tren holds VERY little water.D-bol has an anabolic rating of 45 and an androgenic of 90 where Tren has an anabolic rating of 500 and an androgenic rating of 500 being one of the most powerful and potent injectable steroids.

That's a brief comparison between the two but to really help, you should probably let us know what your goals are and also post your cycle so we can let you know which to use for what your trying to achieve.

I would have to disagree with you on the fact that you feel Dbol is more androgenic than tren.Tren is the strongest androgen out there bar none.Books can say one thing but anyone who has used tren knows that it's androgenic effects.

Dbol has some sides in the form of water retention and back cramps but it doesnt even begin to compare to the sides which are brought on from tren.All the above mentioned sides that have been said tren cause and are very common but dont forget to add increase in BP which is also very common.Tren is extremely harsh on the organs more so than dbol and heavy water consumption is a must while on tren or else your kidneys will let you know you haven't had enough.

Dbol also isn't recommended for first time users.Most feel here, myself included, that orals are not needed for a first time user b/c you need to see how your body reacts to just a simple test or even a test/eq cycle.No need to complicate matters and add an oral as well.if you throw too many compounds into the cycle you won't be able to see how your body reacts to any one compound and therefore not know what cause what if you run into any sides or problems.

Def let us know what you have in mind as well as more info about yourself like stats and we'll be able to make sure you dont hurt yourself and achieve the goal you have set.

One more thing to note is that your DIET is what makes or breaks you and what will bring the desired effects you're looking for.

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Bump Da_Fonz!!

Tren has way more sides and I had it milder then alot of the other homies on the board.

I get better results from T-bol then I do D-bol.

I do love me some Tren though.


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This actually isnt for me but my buddy is 6ft 3 and weighs 230-240. He has 4 cycles under his belt. i am interested because i eventually want to get to this if it works well for him. He already has sustanon 250, 1/2 a bottle of Deca 300, and Clencutaplex for fat loss. He is trying to decide wheteher he should use Tren 75 or Dbol with this, and whether he should use it towards the end or beginning of the cycle. And wat he should do about only having half of the bottle of Deca. He said he was goin to order Clomid to level out his tes levels after the cycle is over and to prevent gyno. Dbol or tren in this case? and would u prefer anything else to prevent the side effects?

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ok, well for starters Clomid does nothing to fight gyno and he'll need MUCH more than that to get his body to bounce back for PCT. With running Tren, he should run HCG throughout the course of his cycle to keep from being shutdown which Tren does. He should also run dostinex to keep progesterone based gyno away. One more thing, tren lowers his thyroid which means he should run a maintenance dose of t3 throughout as well.

IMHO 4 cycles doesn't mean he is ready for tren. Tren is very harsh and NOT for newbs which from what you have stated he still is. He needs to do a lot more research before deciding to run something like Tren.

He needs more deca than half a vial to run for an entire cycle.

Also, his DIET is going to be the determining factor for his fat loss. If his diet isnt in check than it doesn't matter what he runs he wont achieve his goal.

If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it

There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer

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Uhh i never said that d-bol was more androgenic, i said it had an androgenic rating of 90 and tren's is 500. So i think you should read my post carefully.

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I looked at your numbers in relation to themselves (the ratios). The tren is a 1:1 ratio and the dbol is a 2:1 ratio. I don't believe that dbol is twice as androgenic as it is anabolic and I don't believe that tren is a 50/50 split.

If I want to add flavor to my cooking. . . . . . . I just burn it

There is NO such thing as over training just under EATING. ~ Trey Brewer

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Trenbolone Acetate Profile
(Trenbolone Base + Acetate Ester)
Formula: C20 H24 O3
Molecular Weight: 312.4078
Molecular Weight (base): 270.3706
Molecular Weight (ester):60.0524
Formula (base): C18 H22 O2
Formula (ester): C2 H4 O2
Melting Point (base): 183-186C
Melting Point (ester):16.6C
Manufacturer: Cattle implants, British Dragon, Various
Effective Dose (Men):50-150mg ED
Effective Dose (Women): Not recommended
Active life: 2-3 days
Detection Time: 5 months
Anabolic/Androgenic ratio: 500/500


Br J Nutr. 1978 Nov;40(3):563-72.
J Cell Physiol. 2004 Nov;201(2):181-9.
Endocrinology. 1989 May;124(5):2110-7.
Toxicol Sci. 2002 Dec;70(2):202-11.15
J Anim Sci. 1994 Feb;72(2):515-22.
APMIS. 2001 Jan;109(1):1-8.
J Anim Sci. 1990 Sep;68(9):2682-9.
APMIS. 2001 Jan;109(1):1-8.
J Anim Sci. 1992 Nov;70(11):3381-90.
Am J Physiol. 1998 Jun;274(6 Pt 1):C1645-52.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 1995 May 11;1244(1):117-20.
J Appl. Physiol.94 1153-61 2003
J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med. 2001 Aug; 48(6):343-52
Toxicol Sci. 2002 Dec;70(2):202-11.15
Steroid.com forums.
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003 Jan; 35(1):32-8
Cancer Res 1978 Nov; 38(11 Pt 2):4186-98
APMIS. 2000 Dec;108(12):838-46.
Curr Med Res Opin. 2001;16(4):276-84
2003 drug handbook.
Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1988 Mar; 29(3):489-93.
J Anim Sci. 1997 May;75(5):1256-65.
Res Vet Sci. 1981 Jan;30(1):7-13.

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Molecular Weight: 300.44
Formula: C20H28O2
Melting Point: N/A
Manufacturer: Ciba (originally)
Release Date: 1956
Effective dose: 25-50mgs (as low as 10 and as high as 100 have been reported)
Active Life: 6-8hours
Detection Time: up to 6 weeks
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio (Range): 90-210:40-60

Sorry Fonz I had D-bol backwards

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I thought a pretty mild first time cycle for anyone would be test and Dbol for 6 weeks no? I did that for my first cycle and gained a solid 20 lbs after all was said and done with.

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Posted by: bradd27
Which of the two is more likely to give you bad side effects and which one is worse for you period?

they're complete different aas...i prefer tren for the quality of the muscles it gives...

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Tren produces Prolaction. I would think Dbol would have less and more tolerable sides

be safe

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what ever ur buddy runs, make sure that he has more than enought test on hand, reguardless of what ester(s) they are. Ive heard that deca and tren when run together arent the best compounds to use. Deca is more of a bulker with adding water weight and joint lubrication and doesnt really kick in until weeks 4-6. Tren A kicks in alot quicker like Test Prop. Tren E takes a few weeks as well.

First cycle I;ve done was test e @ 500mg ew for 12 weeks and dbol @ 30mg ed for 4 weeks....Gained 20lbs and was very satisfied. GOTTA HAVE A PROPER DIET FOR WHATEVER GOALS YOU DESIRE.

1/2 bottle of deca is no where nears enough for a proper cycle. We are hear to help, read up and listen to others, not joe shmo at the gym...

BOTTOM LINE IS : make sure he has enough test for his cycle.
