When cycling what s...
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When cycling what sups?

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So I have talked to a vet in AS and was told to take tribulus saw palmetto and a couple other aminos when I start my cycle but what about the ones I already take? I currently take 5-10mg glutamine a day along with fish oil daily vitamins ZMA and I cycle one month on and 2 weeks off creatine should I drop or add anything when I start my cycle? I will deffinetly get what steel suggests but is there anything else that anyone has found helpful when cycling Dbol eq sus winny and proviron. What website is best for these sups? I use bodybuilding.com but sometimes just do a search and I can find better deals. Thanks for any and all help everyone.

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I order my sups thru bodybuilding.com, too. They're close to as cheap as you can get for everything, plus their layout is real simple. The glutamine is cool to take while you're on cycle bro, it's an amino acid so the AAS aren't gonna have any neg. effect on it. Anyway, I was also wondering myself about creatine while on cycle?

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I have read a few places about taking creatine while ON and I have never heard anyone say it is a bad thing. Most people I have talked to say they have a hard time telling if it is doing anything because of the gear they are already on. In my opinion, Take creatine while AAS. With all the positive things you can experiance from creatine, I don't see where it could hurt you while on gear. I currently am taking creatine and glutamine and some BCAA's while cycling 40mg Oral turinabol/day and Winstrol Depot 50mg (Stanozolol) Zambon inject every other day.

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The only reason that i'd question using creatine while on an AAS cycle is that it'd put even more stress on ur liver...but does it put enough so that u shouldn't use it? i dunno...?

Eating Machine
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Add Liv 52 for liver detox
Milk thistle for liver function
Multi vitamin for Men
B complex vit for energy and cellular production

Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
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also :
cranberry for liver
vitamin c & e
vitamin b complex and b5 for acne controll

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b-12 is good
cranberry juice

tons more i got to think
