Ventrogluteal Injec...
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Ventrogluteal Injection

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I was doing some reading about injections, and was shocked to see that they are teaching nursing students to stay away from glute injections (dorsogluteal) as the risk of hitting the sciatic nerve is far too great. The injection that they are recommending is the ventrogluteal (hip). This site has minimal blood vessels and nerves and is easily identified.

For those looking for different places to inject, you may want to consider this as long as you have someone who will do it for you. Doing it oneself would be difficult unless you had someone measure out where to shoot and mark the spot in some manner.

I've heard the pain isn't bad, comparable to glute injects. I've also heard NOT to inject both sides in one day because sleeping is quite difficult. At least if you had one side pain free, you could get a good night's rest.

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I don't think it's an easy place to inject.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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I thought that it was easy to find, but too hard to do yourself.

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I only think it's easy (to see) when you have a low body fat.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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I know they say it is an optimal injection site but it just seems like there is not that much meat there.

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Thats my favorite place to inject. I flex my glut when standing, which pushes out the muscle in that area, then inject. Although glut is flexed that muscle is not. I am skinny and still able to inject 1 inch deep. Its painless and good for injecting large doses. Make sure you inject were the muscle protrudes the most. I have hit bone once, and its not fun.

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If nurses are hitting the sciatic nerve then they shouldn't be nurses...that's pretty tough to do.

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Posted by: DocJ
If nurses are hitting the sciatic nerve then they shouldn't be nurses...that's pretty tough to do.

Agreed bro. I don't think that I have enough meat in my ventrogluteal to handle a 1.5 incher with three ccs.

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I'm smaller than you, Lifts, and I burried it.

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Posted by: ready2explode
I'm smaller than you, Lifts, and I burried it.

I may not be feeling the exact spot?

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Posted by: DocJ
If nurses are hitting the sciatic nerve then they shouldn't be nurses...that's pretty tough to do.

Just perfect bro.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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I kinda feel like I'm getting chastized when I'm only trying to help out. I posted this simply for informational purposes.

Some guys run out of spots to inject. For some, hitting the same spot weekly is not enough time for it to heal, which leads to a sterile abcess. Moreso, there is a bit more fat in the area than other areas of the body, except for the glutes. This makes for greater plasma concentrations, as was noted in the minto study. Furthermore, the fact that there isn't much pain with the injects is one more benefit.

Although one can say that if a nurse hits someone's sciatic then they shouldn't be nurses, but fact is I didn't pull this information out of my ass. All it takes is one mistake to cause permanent damage.

I just thought it was new information that I hadn't seen before. That's all.

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
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I have developed a fair amont of scar tissue in my quads and never had much luck with glutes, i bruise and it gets noticed. So lately i have been using vg shots. I do rotate to the delts and lats.


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Posted by: ready2explode
I kinda feel like I'm getting chastized when I'm only trying to help out. I posted this simply for informational purposes.

Some guys run out of spots to inject. For some, hitting the same spot weekly is not enough time for it to heal, which leads to a sterile abcess. Moreso, there is a bit more fat in the area than other areas of the body, except for the glutes. This makes for greater plasma concentrations, as was noted in the minto study. Furthermore, the fact that there isn't much pain with the injects is one more benefit.

Although one can say that if a nurse hits someone's sciatic then they shouldn't be nurses, but fact is I didn't pull this information out of my ass. All it takes is one mistake to cause permanent damage.

I just thought it was new information that I hadn't seen before. That's all.

Not at all dear R2E, you always add important info here, I think that what we were trying to say is that the glutes seems to be a safer and easier place spot to inject. Sorry if we made you feel upset. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

Seabiscuit Hogg
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That's where all my scar tissues is at. I learned a long time ago where the best injection sites are.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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